Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT695.5 .C49 2000 Christianity and ecology : seeking the well-being of earth and humans / 2
BT695.5 .C497 2013 The blue sapphire of the mind notes for a contemplative ecology / 1
BT695.5 .C6335 1992 Sustainability : economics, ecology, and justice / 1
BT695.5 .C65 2023  
Your match would be here.
BT695.5 .C66 2020 Secular discourse on sin in the anthropocene : what's wrong with the world? / 1
BT695.5 .C745 2011eb Creation and salvation : dialogue on Abraham Kuyper's legacy for contemporary ecotheology / 1
BT695.5 .D35 1999 A theology for the earth : the contributions of Thomas Berry and Bernard Lonergan / 1
BT695.5 .D35 1999eb A theology for the earth : the contributions of Thomas Berry and Bernard Lonergan / 1
BT695.5 .D35 2010 Ecotheology and the practice of hope / 1
BT695.5 .D35 2010eb Ecotheology and the practice of hope /
Ecotheology and the practice of hope
BT695.5 .D373 2004 The ethics of nature / 1
BT695.5 .D38 1996 Environmental ethics and Christian humanism / 2
BT695.5 .D47 1972 The delicate creation : towards a theology of the environment / 1
BT695.5 .E25 2007 Earth and Word : classic sermons on saving the planet / 1
BT695.5 .E255 2000 Earth at risk : an environmental dialogue between religion and science / 1
BT695.5 .E26 2019 Ecological solidarities : mobilizing faith and justice for an entangled world / 1
BT695.5 .E265 2001 Earth habitat : eco-injustice and the church's response / 1
BT695.5 .E270 1992 The Earth beneath : a critical guide to green theology / 1
BT695.5 .E273 2001 Earth revealing--earth healing : ecology and Christian theology / 1
BT695.5 .E274 2002 The Earth story in the New Testament / 1