Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT700 (INTERNET) A treatise of the threefolde state of man wherein is handled, 1 His created holinesse in his innocencie. 2 His sinfulnesse since the fall of Adam. 3 His renewed holinesse in his regeneration.
The naturall mans case stated, or, An exact map of the little world man considered in both his capacities, either in the state of nature or grace /
The historie of the perfect-cursed-blessed man setting forth mans excellency by his generation, miserie [by his] degeneration, felicitie [by his] regeneration. By I.F. Master of Arts, preacher of Gods word, and rector of Wilbie in Suff.
Animalis homo concio Latine habita ad Academicos Oxonienses, nono die Octobris 1649 pro inchoando termino /
The vanity of this mortal life, or, Of man, considered only in his present mortal state
BT700 .J33 Image et ressemblance au douzième siècle : de saint Anselme à Alain de Lille. 1
BT700 .J384 1967 Image et ressemblance au douzième siècle , de Saint Anselme à Alain de Lille. 1
BT700 .L68 The naturall mans case stated, or, An exact map of the little world man considered in both his capacities, either in the state of nature or grace / 2
BT700 .L68 1658 The naturall mans case stated, or, An exact map of the little world man considered in both his capacities, either in the state of nature or grace, wherein is described the sad and deplorable wretchednesse and misery attending the one, with the true blessednesse and mercy accompanying the other, as it is laid down in XVII sermons / 3
BT700 .N53 1993 Quaestiones disputatae de traductione humanae naturae a primo parente / 1
BT700 .R49 Animalis homo concio Latine habita ad Academicos Oxonienses, nono die Octobris 1649 pro inchoando termino / 2
BT700 .S62 Poems in two parts first, an interlocutory discourse concerning the creation, fall, and recovery of man : secondly, a dialogue between faith and a doubting soul / 2
BT700 .W43 1633 The portraiture of the image of God in man, in his three estates, of [brace] creation, restauration, glorification digested into two parts, the first containing the image of God both in the body and soule of man, and immortality of both, with a description of the severall members of the body, and the two principall faculties of the soule, the vnderstanding and the will, in which consisteth his knowledge, and liberty of his will : the second containing the passions of man in the concupiscible and irascible part of the soule, his dominion over the creatures, also a description of his active and contemplative life, with his conjunct or married estate : whereunto is annexed an explication of sundry naturall and morall observations for the clearing of diverse Scriptures : all set downe by way of collation, and cleered by sundry distinctions, both out of the schoolemen and moderne writers / 1
BT700 .W56 Minḥah belulah, sive, Strōmateus epistolikos de vita functorum statu : ex Hebræorum & Græcorum comparatis sententiis concinnatus : cum corollario de Tartaro Apostoli Petri, in quem prævaricatores angelos dejectos memorat /
Minḥah belulah, sive, Strōmateus epistolikos de vita functorum statu : ex Hebræorum et Græcorum comparatis sententiis concinnatus : cum corollario de Tartaro Apostoli Petri, in quem prævaricatores angelos dejectos memorat /
BT701 .B69 The image of his Maker : a study of the nature of man. 1
BT701 .B72 Man in revolt : a Christian anthropology / 1
BT701 .C5 The Christian understanding of man / 1
BT701 .C873 The origins of man / 1
BT701 .H183 Was ist der Mensch? : Der Christ und die Geschichte. Schöpfer und Schöpfung. 1
BT701 .H19 The Christian man. 1
BT701 .H26 1850 Man primeval, or, The constitution and primitive condition of the human being. A contribution to theological science / 1
BT701 .H34 Satire und Polemik : Der Geist des Menschen und die Wahrheit. 1
BT701 .H6 The Scriptural idea of man six lectures given before the theological students at Princeton on the L.P. Stone Foundation / 1
BT701 .K6 Badania historyczne. : Rozbiór krytyczny zasad historyi o początkach rodu ludzkiego / 1