Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT715 .E53 |
Englands warning, or, Englands sorrow for Londons misery containing, a small catalogue of England's and London's sins, which might well cause dreadful judgements to follow : together, with some notable examples of other eminent judgments, and some brief exhortations to a speedy repentance, and turning to the Lord, least he utterly destroy us .. Englands warning, or, Englands sorrow for Londons misery containing, a small catalogue of England's and London's sins, which might well cause dreadful judgements to follow : together, with some notable examples of other eminent judgments, and some brief exhortations to a speedy repentance, and turning to the Lord, least he utterly destroy us. |
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BT715 .F67 |
Aytokatakritos, or, The sinner condemned of himself being a plea for God, against all the ungodly, proving them along guilty of their own destruction, and that they shall be condemned in the great day of account, not for that they lacked, but only because they neglected the means of their salvation : and also shewing how fallacious and frivolous a pretence it is in any, to say, they would do better, if they could, when indeed all men could, and might do better if they would / Aytokatakritos, or, The sinner condemned of himself being a plea for God, against all the ungodly, proving them along guilty of their own destruction, and that they shall be condemned in the great day of account, not for that they lacked, but only because they neglected the means of their salvation : and also shewing how fallacious and frivolous a pretence it is in any, to say, they would do better, if they could, when indeed all men could, and might do better if they would / |
2 |
BT715 .F743 2014 | Sin : the early history of an idea / | 2 |
BT715 .G34 | The trumpet in Sion, sounding a general alarm in the nation. | 1 |
BT715 .G542 | A learned and accurate discource concerning the guilt of sin, pardon of that guilt, and prayer for that pardon | 2 |
BT715 .G55 1695 | A learned and accurate discourse concerning the guilt of sin, pardon of that guilt and prayer for that pardon. / | 1 |
BT715 .H52 1659 | Patro-scholastiko-dikaiösis, or, A justification of the fathers and the schoolmen shewing that they are not self-condemned for denying the positivity of sin, being an answer to so much of Mr. Tho. Pierce's book called Autokatakrisis as doth relate to the foresaid opinion / | 2 |
BT715 .H87 | Agnoia tou psychikou anthropou, or, The inability of the highest improved naturall man to attaine a sufficient and right knowledge of indvvelling sinne discovered in three sermons preached at St. Marie's in Oxford / | 1 |
A treatise of the dominion of sin and grace wherein sin's reign is discovered, in whom it is, and in whom it is not : how the law supports it, how grace delivers from it, by setting up its dominion the heart / The nature, power, deceit, and prevalency of the remainders of indwelling-sin in believers together with the wayes of its working and means of prevention opened, evinced, and applyed with a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto appertaining. Aytokatakritos, or, The sinner condemned of himself being a plea for God, against all the ungodly, proving them alone guilty of their own destruction, and that they shall be condemned in the great day of account, not for that they lacked, but only because they neglected the means of their salvation : and also, shewing, how fallacious and frivolous a pretence it is in any, to say, they would do better, if they could, when indeed all men could, and might do better, if they would / Of the mortification of sin in believers the [brace] 1. Necessity, 2. Nature, and 3. Means of it. With a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto belonging. / Christs commination against scandalizers, or, A treatise wherein the necessitie, nature, sorts, and evils of scandalizing are clearly and fully handled with resolution of many questions, especially touching the abuse of Christian liberty, shewing that vengeance is awarded against such as use it to the grievance of their weake brethren / A learned and accurate discource concerning the guilt of sin, pardon of that guilt, and prayer for that pardon The mischief of sinne it brings a person low / Man become guilty, or, The corrruption of nature by sinne, according to St. Augustines sense The ages of sin, or, Sinnes birth & groweth With the stepps, and degrees of sin, from thought to finall impenitencie. |
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BT715 .J39 | Ta kannakou the tragedies of sin contemplated in the ruine of the angels, fall of man, destruction of the old world, confusion of Babel, conflagration of Sodom &c. : humbly recommended to the present age, for the designed ends of caution and terrour : together with Remarques on the life of the great Abraham / | 2 |
BT715 .J46 2007 | Gravity of Sin : Augustine, Luther and Barth on 'homo incurvatus in se' | 1 |
BT715 .K43 1700 | The progress of sin; or, The travels of ungodliness. Wherein the pedigree, rise, (or original) antiquity, subtilty, evil nature, and prevailing power of sin is fully discovered; in an apt and pleasant allegory: Together with the great victories he hath obtained, and abominable evils he hath done to mankind, by the help of the Devil, in all his travels, from the beginning of the world, to this very day, as also, the manner of his apprehension, arraignment, tryal, condemnation, and execution. / | 1 |
BT715.K493 H37 1984 | Man's ontological predicament : a detailed analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's concept of sin with special reference to The concept of dread / | 1 |
BT715 .K5313 1989 | The sickness unto death : a Christian psychological exposition for edification and awakening / | 1 |
BT715 .K5314 1932 | Traité du désespoir ( La maladie mortelle) / | 1 |
BT715 .K5315 1995 | Die Krankheit zum Tode / | 1 |
BT715.K533 | Kierkegaard's the Sickness unto Death A Critical Guide. | 1 |
BT715.K533 K54 2022 | Kierkegaard's The sickness unto death : a critical guide / | 1 |
BT715 .K7 | The art of being a sinner / | 1 |
BT715 .K73 2015 | Sin, interiority, and selfhood in the twelfth-century West / | 1 |