Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT715 .J46 2007 Gravity of Sin : Augustine, Luther and Barth on 'homo incurvatus in se' 1
BT715 .K43 1700 The progress of sin; or, The travels of ungodliness. Wherein the pedigree, rise, (or original) antiquity, subtilty, evil nature, and prevailing power of sin is fully discovered; in an apt and pleasant allegory: Together with the great victories he hath obtained, and abominable evils he hath done to mankind, by the help of the Devil, in all his travels, from the beginning of the world, to this very day, as also, the manner of his apprehension, arraignment, tryal, condemnation, and execution. / 1
BT715.K493 H37 1984 Man's ontological predicament : a detailed analysis of Søren Kierkegaard's concept of sin with special reference to The concept of dread / 1
BT715 .K5313 1989 The sickness unto death : a Christian psychological exposition for edification and awakening / 1
BT715 .K5314 1932 Traité du désespoir ( La maladie mortelle) / 1
BT715 .K5315 1995 Die Krankheit zum Tode / 1
BT715.K533 Kierkegaard's the Sickness unto Death A Critical Guide. 1
BT715.K533 K54 2022 Kierkegaard's The sickness unto death : a critical guide / 1
BT715 .K7 The art of being a sinner / 1
BT715 .K73 2015 Sin, interiority, and selfhood in the twelfth-century West / 1
BT715 .M37 1698 Mens sana in corpore sano a discourse upon recovery from sickness : directing how natural health may be improved into spiritual, especially by them that have lately recovered it. 2
BT715 .M376 2000 Bound to sin : abuse, Holocaust, and the Christian doctrine of sin / 1
BT715 .M376 2000eb Bound to sin : abuse, Holocaust, and the Christian doctrine of sin / 2
BT715 .M42 Solomon's prescription for the removal of the pestilence or any other misery of a distressed kingdome once more humbly tendred to publick consideration, and enforc'd from the late dreadful judgement by fire / 2
BT715 .M75 2000 The noetic effects of sin : a historical and contemporary exploration of how sin affects our thinking / 1
BT715 .N38 How sin is strengthened and how it is overcome 2
BT715 .N39 How sin is strengthened, and how it is overcome
The lambs warre against the man of sinne the end of it, the manner of it, and what he wars against : his weapons, his colours, and his kingdom, and how all may know whether they be in it or no.
How sin is strengthened and how it is overcome
The lambs warre against the man of sinne the end of it, the manner of it, and what he wars against : his weapons, his colours, and his kingdom, and how all may know whether they be in it or no ..
BT715 .N39 2009eb What's wrong with sin? : sin in individual and social perspective from Schleiermacher to theologies of liberation / 1
BT715 .N45 2011 Sin : a guide for the perplexed / 1
BT715 .N47 A chrystal mirrour, or, Christian looking-glass wherein the hearts treason against God and treachery against man, is truely represented, and thoroughly discoursed on and discovered : whereby the soul of man may be dressed up into a comeliness for God ... / 2