BT750 .A94 2019
On the happy life / |
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BT750 .B42 1560
[The syckmans' salue] |
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BT750 .B42 1582
The sicke mans salue wherin the faythfull Christians may learne both how to behaue them selues patiently and thankefully in the time of sicknes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goods, and finally to prepare themselues gladly & godly to dye / |
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BT750 .B42 1600
The sicke mans salue wherein all faithfull Christians may learne both how to behaue themselues patiently & thankfully in the time of sicknes, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goods, and finally how to prepare themselues gladly and godly to die / |
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BT750 .B42 1610
The sicke mans salue wherein al faithful Christians may learne both how to behaue themselues patientlye and thankfully in the time of sicknesse, and also virtuouslie to dispose their temporall goods, and finally to prepare themselues gladly and godly to die / |
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BT750 .B64
Man's great duty, or, A discourse of the care every man should take to make sure the salvation of his own Soul |
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BT750 .B7 1641
A frvitfvll treatise full of heavenly consolatio[n] against the fear of death: whereunto are anexed [sic] certaine sweet meditations, to wit, Of the kingdom of Christ Of life everlasting and Of the blessed estate and felicitie of the same / |
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BT750 .B7 1676
Novv or never work out your salvation with fear and trembling. or, A serious exhortation to all poor sinners to lay hold upon Christ Jesus, who is the fountain of all happiness and who is the onely rock from whence doth spring all their comfort. Herein is also laid down several motives, declaring the necessity of this work, that it ought not to be put off for tomorrow but that every poor sinner should strive to enter in at the strait gate, now whilst he hath an opportunity in his hands lest he be snatch'd away by death and then it will be too late / |
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BT750 .B85 1688
Good news for the vilest of men, or, A help for despairing souls being a discourse upon Luke 24, 47, the latter part of the verse : shewing that Jesus Christ would have mercy in the first place offered to the biggest sinners / |
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BT750 .B86
Instruction for the ignorant being a salve to cure that great want of knowledg which so much reigns both in young and old / |
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BT750 .B87 1674
Gospel remission, or, A treatise shewing that true blessedness consists in pardon of sin wherein is discovered the [brace] many Gospel mysteries therein contained, glorious effects proceeding from it, great mistakes made about it, true signs and symptomes of it, way and means to obtain it / |
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BT750 .B93
The principles, or, The pattern of wholesome words containing a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be believed unto salvation, separated out of the body of all theology, made evident by infallible and plain proofs of scriptures and withall the several uses such principles should be put to, are abundandtly shewed : a project much desired and of singular use for all sorts of Christians / |
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BT750 .B93 1627
The principles, or, The patterne of wholesome words containing a collection of such truths as are of necessitie to be belieued vnto salvation, seperated out of the bodie of all theologie : made euident by infallible and plaine proofes of Scriptures, and withall, the seueral vses such principles should be put to, are abundandtly shewed : a proiect much desired and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians / |
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BT750 .C53 1632
The strait gate and narrow way to life opened and pointed out upon Luk. 13, 23, 24 / |
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BT750 .C54
Methodus Evangelica, or, The gospel method of Gods saving sinners by Jesus Christ practically explained in XII propositions / |
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BT750 .C68
Gospel conversion discovering 1. whether any gracious conditions or qualifications are wrought in the soule before faith in Christ, 2. how the assurance of a mans salvation is to be evidenced, 3. the manner of the soules closing with Christ / |
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BT750 .C73 1664
Knowledge and practice: or, A plain discourse of the chief things necessary to be known, believ'd, and practised in order to salvation. Usefull for private families. / |
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BT750 .C73 1665
Knowledge and practice, or, A plain discourse of the chief things necessary to be known, believ'd, and practised in order to salvation usefull for private families / |
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BT750 .C97 1687
Sure characters, distinguishing a real Christian from a nominal together with some certain directions, how to render the baptismal graces effectual: which instructions, if truly observed, will undoubtedly guide us to eternal hapiness. / |
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BT750 .D46
The plain mans path-way to heaven wherein every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned. / |
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