Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT767.8 .I93 2019 | Desiring the beautiful : the erotic-aesthetic dimension of deification in Dionysius the Areopagite and Maximus the Confessor / | 1 |
BT767.8 .M97 2018eb | Mystical doctrines of deification : case studies in the Christian tradition / | 1 |
BT767.8 .P38 2007 | Partakers of the divine nature : the history and development of deificiation in the Christian traditions / | 1 |
BT767.8 .R87 2004 | The doctrine of deification in the Greek patristic tradition / | 1 |
Your match would be here. | ||
BT767.8 S375 2016 | Apophatic Anthropology : an English Translation / | 1 |
BT768 | Debating perseverance : the Augustinian heritage in post-Reformation England / | 1 |
BT768 .C65 2018 | Debating perseverance : the Augustinian heritage in post-reformation England / | 1 |
BT768 (INTERNET) | The doctrine of the saints perseverance, explained and confirmed, or, The certain permanency of their 1. acceptation with God & 2. sanctification from God manifested & proved from the 1. eternal principles 2. effectuall causes 3. externall meanes thereof ... vindicated in a full answer to the discourse of Mr. John Goodwin against it, in his book entituled Redemption redeemed : with some degressions concerning 1. the immediate effects of the death of Christ ... : with a discourse touching the epistles of Ignatius, the Episcopacy in them asserted, and some animadversions on Dr. H.H. his dissertations on that subject / | 1 |
BT769 .G45 2018 | Soteriology and the end of animal sacrifice / | 1 |
BT769 .H34 | Holy raptures, or, Patheticall meditations of the love of Christ together with A treatise of Christ mysticall, or, The blessed union of Christ and his members : also, The Christian laid forth in his whole disposition & carriage / | 4 |
BT769 .H35 1970 | The Law of Moses and the grace of God / | 1 |
BT769 .S86 1963 | God in me : a popular explanation of sanctifying grace or the mystery of God's life in us / | 1 |
BT770 .A75 | A salutation of love being a tender exhortation for the incouragement of enquirers who are seeking after the true God, and of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom to know is life eternal / | 2 |
BT770 .B69 | The vnbeleefe of S. Thomas the Apostle laid open for the comfort of all that desire to beleeue : with a comfortable treatise for all that are afflicted in soule, or bodie, or otherwise : the first armeth vs against despaire in the houre of death, the second against impatiencie vnder the cross / | 1 |
BT770 .C63 | An enquiry into the nature, necessity, and evidence of Christian faith. | 2 |
BT770 .C63 1699 | An enquiry into the nature, necessity, and evidence of Christian faith, in several essays part I [-II] of faith in general, and of the belief of a deity / | 2 |
BT770 .C64 |
The works of John Collings. The works of John Collings ... A discourse of faith in two points, viz ... / A cordial for a fainting soul. being the sum of two and twenty lecture-sermons more, preacht in the chappel belonging to Chappel-field-house in the city of Norwich : wherein is discovered the power of faith in order to the conquest of carnal and slavish fears and irregular disquietments and dejections of spirit, whether for causes external, internal, private or publike : wherein several cases conscience are resolved relating to such fears and disquietments of spirit / |
5 |
BT770 .C84 | A treatise of faith wherein is declared how a man may live by faith, and find relief in all his necessities : applyed especially unto the use of the weakest Christians / | 2 |
BT770 .D44 | The Christians tryumph, manifested by the certitude of saluation deliuered in a sermon at Pauls-Crosse on Trinity Sunday, the 15 of Iune, 1617 / | 1 |
BT770 .D59 | The doctrine of faith, justification and assurance humbly endeavoured to be farther cleared towards the satisfaction and comfort of all free unbiassed spirits, with appendix for peace / | 2 |