Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT770 .G722 1697 | Great and precious promises, or, Some sermons concerning the promises and the right application thereof whereunto are added some other concerning the usefulness of faith in advancing sanctification : as also three more concerning the faith of assurance / | 2 |
BT770 .G88 1695 | The Christians great interest. Or, A short treatise, divided into two parts. The first whereof, containeth the tryal of a saving interest in Christ. The second, pointeth forth plainly the way know to attain it: wherein somewhat is likewayes spoken to the manner of expresse covenanting with God. / | 1 |
BT770 .H3 | A holy oyl; and, a sweet perfume taken out of the sanctuary of the most sacred scriptures : in allusion to those mentioned, Exod. chap. 30 vers. 22. to 37. : Compounded of many precious ingredients; and poured forth into eight vessels, or treatises, for the use, and benefit of the church of Christ, until his second coming. / | 1 |
BT770 .H83 1688 | A short and plain way to the faith and church | 2 |
The rule of faith, or, An answer to the treatises of Mr. I.S. entituled Sure-footing &c Concerning the true beleefe of a Christian man a most excellent and profitable dialogue / Great precious promises, or, Some sermons concerning the promises and the right application thereof whereunto are added some other concerning the usefulnesse of faith in advancing sanctification, as also, three more concerning the faith of assurance / A Most excellent and profitable dialogue, of the powerfull iustifying faith shewing what it is to beleeue in God, and what wonders are wrought by the power of beliefe, be it worldly or diuine, and what things do hinder beliefe : also how a man may hate himselfe, and by faith forsake himselfe, and kill the deeds of the flesh : the effect of the talke is this, that he which beleeueth in God, and in his son Iesus Christ, is able by the power of that beliefe, to mortifie his flesh, with the lusts thereof, through the Holy Ghost, and to serue God in spirit and truth / An enquiry into the nature, necessity, and evidence of Christian faith. A necessary instruction of christian faith and hope for Christians to holde fast, and to be bolde vp on the promise of God, & not to doubt of their saluation in Christ. / A discourse concerning infallibility in religion A discourse of faith in two points, viz ... / A briefe conference betwixt mans frailtie and faith wherein is declared the true vse, and comfort of those blessings pronounced by Christ in the fifth of Matthew, that euery Christian man and woman ought to make and take hold of in their seuerall tentations and conflicts: laide downe in this plaine order of dialogue, to helpe, if it please God, the conceit and feeling of the simplest. / Some helpes to faith Shewing the necessitie, grounds, kinds, degrees, signes of it. Clearing diuerse doubts, answering obiections, made by the soule in temptation. / The doctrine of faith wherein are practically handled ten principall points, which explain the nature and vse of it / The revvard of the faithfull. The labour of the faithfull. The grounds of our faith [O Vtinam] [1 For Queene Elizabeths securitie, 2 for hir subiects prosperitie, ...] George Ioye confuteth, VVinchesters false articles Preparation to conversion, or, Faith's harbinger in a rare epistle, writ by a person of quality before his death, to his surviving friends, shewing, that Satan prevails most by deception of our reason, that the beauty of holiness and true wisdom is unseen to the world, that ingrateful persons are as witless as wicked, why most men hear the Gospel year after year, and are never the better, with wholsom instruction, to prevent destruction : all richly fraught with choise and pithy sentences, similitudes, examples, metaphors, rhetorical and pointed expressions, which being thought by many worth the transcribing at no small charge, is now committed to the press / Gospel grounds and evidences of the faith of God's elect shewing : I. The nature of true saving faith, in securing of the spiritual comfort of believers in this life, is of the highest importance, II. The way wherein true faith doth evidence it self in the soul and consciences of believers, unto their supportment and comfort, under all their conflicts with sin, in all their tryals and temptations, III. Faith will evidence it self, by a diligent, constant endeavour to keep it self and all grace in due exercise, in all ordinances of divine worship, private and publick, IV. A peculiar way whereby true faith will evidence it self, by bringing the soul into a state of repentance / A tryal of faith wherein, is discovered the ground of the faith of the hypocrite, which perisheth, and the faith of the saints, which is founded upon the everlasting rock, so all may see what their faith is, and what they trust to : written to the intent that every one may come to the true searcher of faith, that their faith which they speak of and trust to, may be searched, and the heart of the pharisee ript open and searched, and that the poor ignorant blind creatures may come to see and be deceived no longer intrusting to that which perisheth : verily it is of much concernment to every one, even the soul, the tryal of your faith / L'espreuve de la foy en quoy le fondement de la foy est descouvert, a sçavoir, de la foy de l'hypocrite qui perit, & de la foy des saincts, laquelle est fondʹee fur la roche eternelle, afin que tous voyent quelle est leur foy, & que c'est enquoy ils se fient. Escrit afin qu'un chacun vienne au vray cercheur de la foy, & que leur foy dont ils parlent, & en laquelle on se fie soit cerchʹee, & le cœur du Pharisien soit manifestʹe, & cerchʹe, & que les pauvres ignorants & creatures aveugles viennent voir, & ne soyent plus trompʹees, en fiant en ce qui perit: en veritʹe il est de grande importance à un chacun, mesme à l'ame, a sçauoir l'espreuue de vostre foy. Escrit de par l'esprit du Seigneur, & publiʹe pour le bien de tous, afin qu'ils viennent bastir sur la roche eternelle, auec celuy duquel le nom selon le monde est. / A letter of thanks from the author of Sure-footing to his answerer Mr. J.T A vindication of Dr. Sherlock's sermon concerning The danger of corrupting the faith by philosophy in answer to some Socinian remarks / The mystery of faith opened up, or, Some sermons concerning faith (two whereof were not formerly printed) wherein the nature, excellency, and usefulnesse of that noble grace is much cleared, and the practice thereof most powerfully pressed : whereunto are added other three sermons, two concerning death / A discourse concerning the nature and grounds of the certainty of faith in answer to J.S., his Catholick letters / A treatise of Gods effectual calling VVhether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession thereof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serue Also what hurt co[m]meth by the[m] that hath receiued the Gospell, to be prese[n]t at Masse vnto the simple and vnleatned [sic] |
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BT770 .L53 | Light in darkness, or, A Modest enquiry into and humble improvement of miracles in general upon occasion of this late miraculous cure of Marianne Maillard, who was prodigiously lame for many years, now wonderfully restored by an immediate power of God with her, on the 26th day of November, 1693. | 2 |
BT770 .M37 |
Le fe del Christiano en veyntequatro articulos de la institucion de Christo embiada a los españoles, paraque abran sus ojos, y paraque se conviertan de las Tinieblas a la luz, y de la potestad de Satanas a Dios : paraque reciban por la fe que es en Jesu Christo, remission de peccado, y suerte entre los sanctificados / Faith at work a brief and plain essay upon certain articles of the Gospel most necessary to be understood by every Christian, to wit the nature, the order, and the necessity of the good works by which the faith of a Christian is to be evidenced. |
4 |
BT770 .M377 1697 | A dead faith anatomized a discourse on the nature, and the danger, with the deadly symptoms of a dead faith in those who profess the faith of Christ. / | 1 |
BT770 .M67 | A Most excellent and profitable dialogue, of the powerfull iustifying faith shewing what it is to beleeue in God, and what wonders are wrought by the power of beliefe, be it worldly or diuine, and what things do hinder beliefe : also how a man may hate himselfe, and by faith forsake himselfe, and kill the deeds of the flesh : the effect of the talke is this, that he which beleeueth in God, and in his son Iesus Christ, is able by the power of that beliefe, to mortifie his flesh, with the lusts thereof, through the Holy Ghost, and to serue God in spirit and truth / | 1 |
BT770 .P32 | A spiritual looking-glass wherein is briefly discoursed the excellency and the necessity of saving faith and likewise how it may be known whether we have this faith or no : being the substance of two sermons / | 2 |
BT770.P33 D4 | Études sur Pascal / | 1 |
BT770 .P37 |
A tryall of faith wherein is discovered the ground of the faith of the hypocrite, which was perisheth, and the faith of the saints, which is founded upon the everlasting rock, so all may see what their faith is, and what they trust to : written with the intent, that every one may come to the true searcher of faith, that their faith, which they speak of and trust to, may be searched, and the heart of the Pharisee ript open and searched, and that the poor ignorant blind creatures may come to see and be deceived no longer in trusting to that which perisheth : verily it is of much concernment to every one, even the soul, the tryall of your faith / A tryall of faith wherein is discovered the ground of the faith of the hypocrite, which was perisheth, and the faith of the saints, which is founded upon the everlasting rock, so all may see what their faith is, and what they trust to : written with the intent, that every one may come to the true searcher of faith, that their faith, which they speak of and trust to, may be searched, and the heart of the Pharisee ript open and searched, and that the poor ignorant blind creatures may come to see and be deceived no longer in trusting to that which perisheth : verily it is of much concernment to every one, even the soul, the tryall of your faith / |
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BT770 .P37 1656 | A triall of faith wherein is discovered the ground of the faith of the hypocrite, which perisheth, and the faith of the saints, which is founded upon the everlasting rock ... / | 2 |
BT770 .P73 |
The breast-plate of faith and love a treatise wherein the ground and exercise of faith and love, as they are set upon Christ their object, and as they are expressed in good works, is explained / The breast-plate of faith and love. A treatise, wherein the ground and exercise of faith and love, as they are set upon Christ their object, and as they are expressed in good workes, is explained. / |
3 |
BT770 .R63 1627 | The doctrine of faith wherein are practically handled ten principall points, which explain the nature and vse of it / | 1 |
BT770 .R63 1633 | The doctrine of faith; wherein are practically handled twelue principall points, which explaine the nature and vse of it. / | 1 |
BT770 .R67 1599 | A double fortresse faith-sacramental. Or Such a deduction of faith and sacrament, as cannot be contreuented, neither by diuine authority, nor by humaine reason. VVith a true discourse vpon holy communications. / | 1 |
BT770 .S53 |
Sighs for Sion, or, Faith and love containing some grievings in her sorrow, and groanings for her deliverance : by a few of her weak and unworthy children : humbly, and in all faithfulness, presented to those assemblies of hers, where grace hath set them as watchmen, and unto any others, that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours : in way of essay, to blow the trumpet in Sion, and found an alarm in Gods holy mountain, to the awakening them that are at ease, and pressing and encouraging all the upright in heart, to be in pain with her, in this day of her sore travel, and great expectation. Sighs for Sion, or, Faith and love containing some grievings in her sorrow, and groanings for her deliverance : by a few of her weak and unworthy children : humbly, and in all faithfulness, presented to those assemblies of hers, where grace hath set them as watchmen, and unto any others, that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours : in way of essay, to blow the trumpet in Sion, and found an alarm in Gods holy mountain, to the awakening them that are at ease, and pressing and encouraging all the upright in heart, to be in pain with her, in this day of her sore travel, and great expectation. |
2 |
BT770 .S69 1613 | Propositions and conclusions, concerning true Christian religion, conteyning a confesion of faith of certaine English people, liuinge at Amsterdam. | 1 |
BT770 .T53 1659 | Tēs pisteōs elegchos, or, The reason of faith briefly discuss'd in a sermon, preach'd at Pauls before the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, &c., the third of October, 1658, and publish'd by the order of his lordship, and Court of Aldermen / | 2 |