Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT772 .N5 Experiential religion / 1
BT772 .T38 A faithful and true witenss to the light of Jesus Christ, or, Word of faith within in the heart and conscience proving that God alwayes did, and doth reveal himself in it, and through it to the sons and daughters of men, that they may believe and be saved ... : also a postscript in answer to some base lyes and reflections cast upon me by William Haworth, an independent preacher / 2
BT772 .Y33 2013 Against dogmatism : dwelling in faith and doubt / 1
BT772 ebook Nube de testigos : cuarenta cartas a cuarenta buscadores de Dios /
Busca la fe : fortalecer la fe del pastor para alentar la fe del rebaño /
Fijos los ojos en Jesús : en los umbrales de la fe /
Experiencia y gratuidad : la fe cristiana /
¿Tú crees? : pensamientos actuales sobre la fe /
La fe, Dios y Jesucristo : una propuesta teológica /
Jesucristo 2.0 /
BT773 .H44 1984 Justification and merit : Luther vs. Catholicism / 1
BT773 .M39 1980 Bona opera : a study in the development of the doctrine in Philip Melanchthon / 1
BT773 .W38 1995 God's grace and human action : 'merit' in the theology of Thomas Aquinas / 1
BT773 .W38 2016 God's grace and human action : 'merit' in the theology of Thomas Aquinas / 1
BT774 .B33 1675 A relation of the fearful estate of Francis Spira, in the year, 1548. 1
BT774 .L58 1681 The conflict in conscience of a dear Christian, named, Bessie Clerkson, in the parish of Lanerk, which she lay under, three years and an half. 1
BT774 .L58 1685 The conflict in conscience of a dear Christian named, Bessie Clerkson. In the parish of Lanerk, under which she lay three years and an half. With the conference that past betwixt her pastor and her, at divers times. 1
BT774 .L63 2003 Searching for God in godforsaken times and places : reflections on the Holocaust, racism, and death / 2
BT774.5 .W55 1604 Physicke, to cure the most dangerous disease of desperation. Collected for the direction and comfort of such Christians as trauayling and being heauie loaden in their consciences, with the burthen of their sinnes, stand in danger either in time of their sicknesse to fall a way from thier God, through deepe despaire, or else in time of their health, to yeelde to one desperate end, or other, to the ruine and vtter confusion of both bodyes and soules for euer. / 1
BT775 Augustine's early thought on the redemptive function of divine judgement / 1
BT775 .A53 1627 A most necessary caveat from God, to beware of his rod. Wherein is contayned, not onely a short and compendious method, briefly to exhort all sinners to forsake their sinnes: but also a true and perfect way to win the very carelesse sinners (if there be but the least sparke of grace in them) vnto speedy repentance, that in the end they may obtaine eternal life. Directed unto all the elect children of God, which truely repent. / 1
BT775 .B38 The harmony of the divine attributes in the contrivance and accomplishment of man's redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ, or, Discourses wherein is shewed how the wisdom, mercy, justice, holiness, power, and truth of God are glorified in that great and blessed work / 2
BT775 .B38 1674 The harmony of the divine attributes in the contrivance and accomplishment of man's redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ, or, Discourses wherein is shewed how the wisdom, mercy, justice, holiness, power, and truth of God are glorified in that great and blessed work / 1
BT775 .B38 1675 The harmony of the divine attributes in the contrivance and accomplishment of mans redemption by the Lord Jesus Christ, or, Discourses wherein is shewed how the wisdom, mercy, justice, holiness, power, and truth of God are glorified in that great and blessed work / 2
BT775 .C436 2016eb Redención : Cómo cambiar: una perspectiva saturada por el evangelio. 1
BT775 .D66 Captives bound in chains made free by Christ their surety, or, The misery of graceless sinners and their recovery by Christ their saviour 2