Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT800 .H66 | The laver of regeneration, and the cup of salvation in two treatises : in the first of which the nature of baptism is opened ... the second is a plea for the due celebration of that much desired ordinance of Christ, the Lord's Supper ... also a discourse of the spreading infection of false doctrine ... / | 1 |
BT800 .H86 2004eb | Joy-bearing grief : tears of contrition in the writings of the early Syrian and Byzantine fathers / | 1 |
BT800 .I5 | A path-way to penitence with sundry deuout prayers, fruiteful aduertisementes, and wholesome counsailes of godly fathers towards the amendement of life and some withdrawing of the bridle of ouer-much liberty taken. | 1 |
BT800 .I53 1677 | A discourse concerning repentance. | 1 |
The way to true honour and happiness A friendly address to all parents, masters of families, and landlords, the persons most capable to honour ... , and to gain honour to themselves, by beginning and carrying on a rational reformation. To which is added, [A] memorandum for mothers. / A discourse concerning repentance Warnings to the unclean in a discourse from Rev. XXI. 8. Preacht at Springfield lecture, August 25th. 1698. At the execution of Sarah Smith. / The acceptable sacrifice, or, The excellency of a broken heart shewing the nature, signs and proper effects of a contrite spirit / The work of Gods power in man with something that the spirit of truth leads to practise, and what it leads to deny ... / Christendoms call to repentance who is adulterated and gone out from the life of her maker, and gone into the spiritual whoredoms, from the life which was among the apostles, which, with the light, is seen and made manifest, which now shineth, that comes from the VVord which was in the beginning, before whom all things are bare and naked and nothing can be hid / A path-way to penitence with sundry deuout prayers, fruiteful aduertisementes, and wholesome counsailes of godly fathers towards the amendement of life and some withdrawing of the bridle of ouer-much liberty taken. The danger of deferring repentance A sermon of repentaunce a very godly and profitable sermon preached at Lee in Essex / A discourse of an unconverted man's enmity, against God Preached to a country congregation / Balm in Gilead, or, A spur to repentance The practise of repentance laid downe in sundry directions, together with the helpes, lets, signes and motiues : In an easie method, according to the table prefixed / Sapientia clamitans wisdome crying out to sinners to returne from their evill wayes : contained in three pious and learned treatises, viz. ... / Wisdome crying out to sinners to returne from their evill wayes contained in three pious and learned treatises, viz. I. Of Christs fervent love to bloudy Jerusalem. II. Of Gods just hardening of Pharaoh, when he had filled up the measure of his iniquity. III. Of mans timely remembering of his creator. Heretofore communicated to some friends in written copies: but now published for the generall good. A sommon to repentance Giuen vnto Christians for a loking glasse, wherin we may behold our owne deformities, and therein and thereby, we are not onely forewarned of our destructions, but we are learned to humble out selues in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, before the throane of Gods mercy, that wee maye not be preserued from the lake of damnation, in the great and notable day of Christs comming to iudgemente. / The everlasting gospel of repentance and remission of sins ... by ... Edward Burrough. A discourse of conscience wherein is set downe the nature, properties, and differences thereo, as also the way to get and keepe good conscience. Helpes to humiliation The penitent publican his confession of mouth. Contrition of heart. Vnfained repentance. An feruent prayer vnto God, for mercie and forgiuenesse. The necessity of serious consideration, and speedy repentance, as the only way to be safe both living and dying Tvvo treatises I. Of the nature and practise of repentance. II. Of the combat of the flesh and spirit. A summons for sleepers wherein most grieuous and notorious offenders are cited to bring forth true frutes of repentance, before the day of the Lord now at hand : hereunto is annexed, a patterne for pastors, deciphering briefly the dueties pertaining to that function / The doctrine of repentance, useful for these times |
23 |
BT800 .J5 | A Dialogue between Satan and a young man, or, Satan's temptations to delay repentance answered | 1 |
BT800 .K54 | The sinners sobs, or, The sinners way to Sions joy plainly demonstrating the absolute necessity of true godly sorrow for the sinners safety : with many cogent reasons and arguments, and brief exhortations to poor sinners ... to return ... to him who delights to shew mercy : as also the terrible contdition of such who come not in this way, whom God will find another way to deal with / | 1 |
BT800 .K62 | An exhortation to a personal and national repentance a sermon / | 2 |
BT800 .L38 | Untimely repentance a sermon preach'd before the right honourable Lord Petre in his chappel at Ingatestone-hall on Passion Sunday, April the 1st, 1688 / | 1 |
BT800 .L6 | Lettera esortatoria dimettere opera a sare sincera penitenza mandata. : All Signora F.M.L.P. Fugita e scommunicata per Caggione delle enormita de suoi Misfatti, et grandisimi falli. | 1 |
BT800 .M37 | Mafukkenukeeg matcheseaaenvog wequetoog kah wuttooaatoog uppevaonont Christoh kah ne yeuyeu teanuk wonk ahche nunnukquodt missinninnuk ukquohquenaount wutaiuskoianatamooonganoo ... / | 1 |
BT800 .M38 1686 | The greatest sinners exhorted and encouraged to come to Christ, and that now without delaying. Also, the exceeding danger of men's deferring their repentance. Together with a discourse about the day of judgement. And on several other subjects. / | 1 |
BT800 .N85 2000 | Thomas Cranmer's doctrine of repentance : renewing the power to love / | 1 |
BT800 .P2 1820 | Lo specchio di vera penitenzia / | 1 |
BT 800 .P2 1863 | Lo specchio della vera penitenza di Iacopo Passavanti / | 1 |
BT800 .P37 | [M. Perkins his exhortation to repentance, out of Zephaniah, preached in 2 sermons together with two treatises of the duties and dignitie of the ministrie ...] | 1 |
BT800.P37 B74 | A brief exhortation to those who are shut up from our society, and deprived at present of publique instruction which may be useful to others also who have any feeling of Gods judgements / | 1 |
BT800 .P38 | A treatise of repentance and of fasting especially of the Lent-fast : in III parts. | 2 |
BT800 .P39 | A practical discourse of repentance rectifying the mistakes about it, especially such as lead either to despair or presumption ... and demonstrating the invalidity of a death-bed repentance / | 2 |
BT800 .P39 1695 | A practical discourse of repentance, rectifying the mistakes about it, especially such as lead either to despair or presumption. Perswading and directing to the true practice of it, and demonstrating the invalidity of a death-bed repentance. / | 1 |