Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT795 .K55 | The forgiving community. | 1 |
BT795 .P63 1996 | The other face of love : dialogues with the prison experience of Albert Speer / | 1 |
BT795 .R48 1889 | Die Lehre von der Apokatastasis, d.h., der Wiederbringung aller, aufs neu untersucht und verteidigt / | 1 |
BT795 .S54 |
A patern of free grace, or, The exceeding riches of the free grace and mercy of God in Christ to believing and repenting sinners by the example of that admirable convert, or rather miraculous mirror of Gods wonderful love and mercy in saving the repenting thief on the cross : wherein is excellently handled the doctrine of true repentance, the exceeding sinfulness of sin, with the desperate danger of final impenitency, with the certainty of Salvation to repenting sinners by Christ / A patern of free grace, or, The exceeding riches of the free grace and mercy of God in Christ to believing and repenting sinners by the example of that admirable convert, or rather miraculous mirror of Gods wonderful love and mercy in saving the repenting thief on the cross : wherein is excellently handled the doctrine of true repentance, the exceeding sinfulness of sin, with the desperate danger of final impenitency, with the certainty of Salvation to repenting sinners by Christ / |
2 |
BT795 .W37 1700 | The court convert, or, A sincere sorrow for sin, faithfully travers'd expressing the dignity of a true penitent : drawn in little by one, whose manifold misfortunes abroad, have render'd him necessitated, to seek for shelter here : by dedicating himself and this small poem / | 1 |
BT795 ebook |
Las raíces de mi vida : admiración, libertad, reconciliación / Rompiendo cadenas : como llegar al perdon para encontrar la paz y la alegria de vivir / |
2 |
BT800 |
The sincere penitent a dialogue between Philotheus and Philocosmus / Repentance in late antiquity eastern asceticism and the framing of the Christian life c.400-650 CE / A potion for the heart-plague, as a soueraigne remedie for the other: Set downe in a letter sent vnto the humble in spirit. |
3 |
BT800 .A43 |
An Alarme for London to awake and mourne for sin, before God make her weepe for judgements ... : a subject very soasenable for these times, in a dialogue between Archippus a minister, and Philemon a godly Christian. An Alarme for London to awake and mourne for sin, before God make her weepe for judgements ... : a subject very soasenable [sic] for these times, in a dialogue between Archippus a minister, and Philemon a godly Christian .. |
2 |
BT800 .A5 | Andrewes repentance, sounding alarum to returne from his sinnes unto Almighty God. Perfectly guiding all those that hope to bee saued, in the direct way of repentance, whereby they may attain eternall life: : newly made in the autumne or declining of his age .. | 1 |
BT800 .A52 | Andrewes resolution to return vnto God by repentance. [D]irected vnto all the elect children of God, which truely repent, perfectly guiding them in the right way therein. : [Ri]ght godly to reade, as deli ghtfull [sic] to heare but most profitable to be praised. / | 1 |
BT800 .A52 1655 | Andrewes caveat, to win sinners. A true and perfect way to win carelesse sinners (if there be but the least sparke of grace in them) unto speedy repentance, that in the end they may obtaine eternall life. : Directed unto all the elect children of God, which truely repent. / | 1 |
BT800 .A53 1631 | Andrewes repentance, sounding alarum to returne from his sins vnto Almightie God. Perfectly guiding all those that hope to bee saued, in the direct way of repentance, whereby they may attain eternall life: : newly made in the autumne or declining of his age .. | 1 |
BT800.A8 1700 | A discourse concerning a death-bed repentance | 1 |
BT800 .B32 1662 | A trumpet sounding an alarvm from the Spirit of Life through an inhabitant of the City of God to all the inhabitants of the earth. But most especially, to the rulers and inhabitants of the city of Exon: To the end, the dead may be raised, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, the lame walk, and the unclean spirit cast out, and the poor receive the Gospel. | 1 |
BT800 .B35 | A serious item to secure sinners, or, God discovered to be as well a buring as a shining light | 2 |
BT800 .B38 | A warning from the Lord to the inhabitants of the city of London gave forth on the day after their fast and humiliation. | 2 |
BT800 .B39 | A sermon of repentance preached before the honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament at Westminster, at their late solemn fast for the settling of these nations, April 30, 1660 / | 2 |
BT800 .B48 | The general inefficacy and insincerity of a late, or death-bed repentance with earnestest dissuasives from committing our eternal condition to that unspeakable hazard : and, a full resolution of the case, how far a death-bed repentance is possible to be sincere and effectual / | 2 |
BT800 .B52 1660 | VVo to thee town of Cambridge, thy wickedness surmounteth the wickedness of Sodom ... | 1 |
BT800 .B6 | A few words to the rulers of this natio[n] | 1 |