Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT825 .G36 1994 | Living with the dead in the Middle Ages / | 1 |
BT825 .G36 1994 E-book | Living with the dead in the Middle Ages | 1 |
BT825 .G38 1981 | Welcome joy : death in Puritan New England / | 1 |
BT825 .G47 | Divine consolations against the fear of death in a dialogue between a minister and a tempted Christian : to which is added the Christians triumph over death : with divine contemplations, ejaculations and poems thereupon / | 2 |
BT825 .G86 1996 | Life's living toward dying : a theological and medical-ethical study / | 1 |
BT825 .H37 | The passing bell | 2 |
BT825 .H62 | A cordiall against the feare of death delivered in a sermon before the Vniversity of Oxford May 28, 1654 / | 2 |
BT825 .H845 1995 | The radiant shock of death / | 1 |
BT825 .I2 | A looking glasse of mortalitie. Not verie pleasant at the first view to many men, but yet most necessarie, profitable and commodious for all sorts of people, of what estate dignity, or calling soeuer they be. : With an Exhortation to good life annexed: wherein are treated all such things as appertaine vnto a Christian to do, from the beginning of his conuersion, vntill the end of his perfection. / | 1 |
A combat betwixt man and death, or, A discourse against the immoderate apprehension and feare of death A salve for a sicke man, or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to 1. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of child. A practical discourse concerning death Disce mori Learne to die : A religious discourse, moouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remerbrance of his ende. Wherein also is contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before, and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be abserued, necessary to be thought vpon, while we are aliue, and when we are dying, to aduise our selues and others. A discourse of life and death A buckler against the fear of death, or, Pious and profitable observations, meditations, and consolations Practical discourses upon the consideration of our latter end, and the danger and mischief of delaying repentance Two treatises the first of death, on I Cor. 15:26. the second of judgment, on 2 Cor. 5:10, 11 / A sermon concerning death and the resurrection, preached in St. Maries, at Oxford, on Low Sunday, April the 28. 1644 before the committee of the members of the honourable House of Commons / A mappe of mans mortalitie clearely manifesting the originall of death, with the nature, fruits, and effects thereof, both to the vnregenerate, and elect children of God : Diuided into three bookes; and published for the furtherance of the wise in practise, the humbling of the strong in conceit, and for the comfort and confirmation of weake Christians, against the combat of death, that they may wisely and seasonably be prepared against the same : Whereunto are annexed two consolatory sermons, for afflicted Christians, in their greatest conflicts. / An eye to heauen in earth A necessarie watch for the time of death, consisting in meditations and prayers fit for that purpose : With the husbands christian counsell to his wife and children, left poore after his death. A discourse of death, bodily, ghostly, and eternall nor vnfit for souldiers warring, seamen sayling, strangers trauelling, women bearing, nor any other liuing that thinkes of dying. / A spirituall consolation Deaths knell, or, The sicke mans passing-bell summoning all sicke consciences to pr[e]pare themselues for the comming of the grea[t] day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them : fit for all those that desire to arriue at the heauenly Ierusalem : Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders : The ninth edition / Sermons upon death and eternal judgment Death made comfortable, or, The way to dye well consisting of directions for an holy and an happy death : together with an office for the sick and for certain kinds of bodily illness, and for dying persons, and proper prayers upon the death of friends / The whole duty of mourning and the great concern of preparing our selves for death, practically considered / The cure of the feare of death Shewing the course Christians may take to bee deliuered from these feares about death, which are found in the hearts of the most. A treatise of singular use for all sorts. / |
18 |
BT825 .J43 | A lively testimony to the living truth | 2 |
BT825 .J66 2007 | Approaching the end : a theological exploration of death and dying / | 1 |
BT825 .J67 1674 |
Death triumphant, or, The most renowned, mighty, puissant and irresistible champion and conqueror general of the whole world, Death, described with a descripton [sic] of his notable fights and triumphant victories obtained against all creatures, especially against the sons and daughters of men : also his particular stratagems and numerous regiment of scknesses [sic] and diseases whereby he conquers and subdues mankind : lively set forth to the view of all men for their better preparation for the day of their death and dissolution out of this sinful life / Death triumphant, or, The most renowned, mighty, puissant and irresistible champion and conqueror general of the whole world, Death, described with a descripton [sic] of his notable fights and triumphant victories obtained against all creatures, especially against the sons and daughters of men : also his particular stratagems and numberous regiment of scknesses [sic] and diseases whereby he conquers and subdues mankind : lively set forth to the view of all men for their better preparation for the day of their death and dissolution out of this sinful life / |
2 |
BT825 .J67 1681 | Death triumphant, or, The most renowned, mighty, puissant and irresistible champion and conqueror general of the whole world, Death, described with a descripton [sic] of his notable fights and triumphant victories obtained against all creatures, especially against the sons and daughters of men : also his particular stratagems and numerous regiment of sicknesses and diseases whereby he conquers and subdues mankind : lively set forth to the view of all men for their better preparation for the day of their death and dissolution out of this sinful life / | 1 |
BT825 .J8412 1995 | Si lun / | 1 |
BT825 .J8413 1975 | Death, the riddle and the mystery / | 1 |
BT825 .K42 | A summons to the grave, or, The necessity of a timely preparation for death demonstrated in a sermon preached at the funeral of that most eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ Mr. John Norcot who departed this life March 24, 1675/6 / | 2 |
BT825 .K43 1695 | Death made comfortable, or, The way to dye well consisting of directions for an holy and an happy death : together with an office for the sick and for certain kinds of bodily illness, and for dying persons, and proper prayers upon the death of friends / | 6 |
BT825 .K545 1972 | Die Bereitung zum sterben Studien zu den frühen Reformatorischen Sterbebüchern ... / | 1 |
BT825 .K64 2000 | The Reformation of the dead : death and ritual in early modern Germany, 1450-1700 / | 1 |