Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT825 .K68 1979 Love is stronger than death / 1
BT825 .L375 2008 Beyond Yahweh and Jesus : bringing death's wisdom to faith, spirituality, and psychoanalysis / 1
BT825 .L44 Deathes generall proclamation also fine preceptes of vertuous and honest lyfe. 1
BT825 .M32 1981 Facing death and grief : a sensible perspective for the modern person / 2
BT825 .M34 1666 Manchester al mondo Contemplatio mortis et immortalitatis, a contemplation of death and immortality. 1
BT825 .M34 1688 Manchester al mondo contemplations of death and immortality : very proper to be given at funerals. 1
BT825 .M36 Manchester al mondo contemplatio mortis et immortalitatis = a contemplation of death and immortality : with some addition concerning the late dreadful fire in the city of London. 2
BT825 .M36 1638 Manchester al mondo contemplatio mortis, & immortalitatis. 1
BT825 .M36 1648 Manchester al mondo contemplatio mortis et immortalitatis ; much inlarged. 1
BT825 .M36 1655 Manchester al mondo contemplatio mortis et immortalitatis = a contemplation of death and immortality. 2
BT825 .M36 1658 Manchester al mondo contemplatio mortis et immortalitatis = A contemplation of death and immortality. 2
BT825 .M37 Eschatos echthros, or, The death of death in the death of Christ being a narrative of the first death as the mistress of mortals and empress of the universe : conflicting of various sections and directions (as appears by the index) in order to a holy living and happy dying / 2
BT825 .M37 1827 Death of Hume and Finley compared. 1
BT825 .M65 2021eb The art of dying : living fully into the life to come / 1
BT825 .M66 1617 A mappe of mans mortalitie clearely manifesting the originall of death, with the nature, fruits, and effects thereof, both to the vnregenerate, and elect children of God : diuided into three bookes, and published for the furtherance of the wise in practise, the humbling of the strong in conceit, and for the comfort and confirmation of weake Christians, against the combat of death, that they may wisely and seasonably be prepared against the same : whereunto are annexed two consolatory sermons, for afflicted Christians, in their greatest conflicts / 1
BT825 .M66 1995 Die vertauschten Schädel : Tod und Sterben in Naturreligionen, Hinduismus und Christentum / 1
BT825 .M67 A short treatise of death in sixe chapters : together with the ænigmatic description of old age and death, writen Ecclesiastes 12 chap. exponed and paraphrased in English meeter / 1
BT825 .M84 2019 Moment of reckoning : imagined death and its consequences in late ancient Christianity / 1
BT825 .N68 2016 Death as transformation a contemporary theology of death / 1
BT825 .N74 2011eb Death as transformation : a contemporary theology of death / 1