Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT825 .P68 1602 The resolved Christian; exhorting to resolution. Written to comfort the faint-hearted, to strengthen the faithful, to recal the worldling, and to perswade all men to run, that they may obtaine. 1
BT825 .P68 1623 The resolved Christian, exhorting to resolution written [brace] to comfort the faint-hearted, to strengthen the faithfull, to recall the worldling, and to perswade all men, so to run that they may obtaine. 1
BT825 .R313 1965 On the theology of death / 1
BT825 .R34 Before death comes / 1
BT825 .R35 Practical discourses concerning death and Heaven discovering the great necessity of a speedy preparation for death : with the danger of neglecting or delaying such preparations : also the excellency, glory, and happiness of Heaven opened and explained as the portion of all true believers after death / 2
BT825.R35 1692 Practical preparation for death, the interest and wisdom of Christians. The folly and misery of those that are negligent therein. The great benefits of a life spent in a daily preparation for our latter end; with motives and directions for the performance thereof. 1
BT825 .R76 Birth to birth : the life-death mystery / 1
BT825 .S4 1690 A seasonable preparation for death and eternity, or, Funeral considerations, &c. Being the substance of a discourse occasionally on the D. of G------, a noble peer, who received his mortal wound at the siege of Cork in Ireland. With a prayer suitable to the occasion. 1
BT825 .S44 A practical discourse concerning death
Ymadroddion bucheddol ynghylch marvvolaeth
BT825 .S44 1690 A practical discourse concerning death 2
BT825 .S44 1691 A practical discourse concerning death 1
BT825 .S44 1693 A practical discourse concerning death 2
BT825 .S44 1694 A practical discourse concerning death 2
BT825 .S44 1699 A practical discourse concerning death 2
BT825 .S53 1690 A practical discourse concerning death 4
BT825 .S673 2007 The mystery of death / 1
BT825.S73 D58 Divine arithmetick illustrated in the right and exact numbering of our days, or, A discourse of the near and continued approaches of death unto every one whatsoever with the same inference and application which the apostle in I Cor. 15 makes from and alike subject, that the knowledge and consideration of these things should exhort people to be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord / 1
BT825 .S76 The Puritan way of death : a study in religion, culture, and social change / 1
BT825 .S765 2010 Physicalism / 1
BT825 .S77 A sermon concerning death and the resurrection, preached in St. Maries, at Oxford, on Low Sunday, April the 28. 1644 before the committee of the members of the honourable House of Commons /
Instead of death.