Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT83.55 .G73 2000eb Feminist reconstructions of Christian doctrine : narrative analysis and appraisal / 1
BT83.55 .G73513 2011 Motherhood and love : beyond the gendered stereotypes of theology / 1
BT83.55 .G84 1997 On Schleiermacher and gender politics / 1
BT83.55 .H26 1990 Theology and feminism / 1
BT83.55 .H36 1989 Vision & struggle : meditations on feminist spirituality and politics / 1
BT83.55 .H36 1990 Theology and feminism / 1
BT83.55 .H378 2010eb Desperate for authenticity : a critical analysis of the feminist theology of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott / 1
BT83.55 .H38513 1995 God or goddess? : feminist theology-- what is it? where does it lead? / 1
BT83.55 .H45 1995 Longing for the fall / 1
BT83.55 .H48 1989 Speaking of Christ : a lesbian feminist voice / 2
BT83.55 .H49 1995 Staying power : reflections on gender, justice, and compassion / 1
BT83.55 .H49 2010 Keep your courage : a radical Christian feminist speaks / 1
BT83.55.H64 From Women's Experience to Feminist Theology. 1
BT83.55 .H66 1997 Horizons in feminist theology : identity, tradition, and norms / 1
BT83.55 .H85 1991 Fierce tenderness : a feminist theology of friendship / 3
BT83.55 .I545 2021 The indecent theologies of Marcella Althaus-Reid : voices from Asia and Latin America / 1
BT83.55 .I82 1996 Mujerista theology : a theology for the twenty-first century / 2
BT83.55 .I84 1998 Introducing body theology / 1
BT83.55 .I84 2006 The power of erotic celibacy : queering heteropatriarchy / 1
BT83.55 .I844 2002 Introducing feminist Christologies / 1