Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT83.53 .M45 2013eb Bernard Eugene Meland's unpublished papers / 1
BT83.53 .V4613 1993 Practical theology : an empirical approach / 1
BT83.55 Numinous subjects engendering the sacred in western culture /
Is There a Future for Feminist Theology?
Facing Challenges : Feminism in Christian Higher Education and Other Places.
Bodies, Lives, Voices : Gender in Theology.
Embodying antiracist Christianity : Asian American theological resources for just racial relations /
Fierce tenderness : a feminist theology of friendship /
Sensuous spirituality : out from fundamentalism /
Reimagining with Christian doctrines : responding to global gender injustices /
Female child soldiering, gender violence, and feminist theologies
Parenting as spiritual practice and source for theology : mothering matters /
In the image of her : recovering motherhood in the Christian tradition /
BT83.55 .A23 1996 An A to Z of feminist theology / 1
BT83.55.A23 2016eb An A-Z of feminist theology / 1
BT83.55 .A28 2003 After the locusts : letters from a landscape of faith / 1
BT83.55 .A473 2000eb Indecent theology : theological perversions in sex, gender and politics / 2
BT83.55 .A484 2007 Controversies in feminist theology / 1
BT83.55 .A57 1994 "The woman will overcome the warrior" : a dialogue with the Christian/feminist theology of Rosemary Radford Ruether / 1
BT83.55 .A64 2000 Indecent theology : theological perversions in sex, gender and politics / 1
BT83.55 .A75 1999 Deconstruction, feminist theology, and the problem of difference : subverting the race/gender divide / 2
BT83.55 .B437 2002 Eve's pilgrimage : a woman's quest for the City of God / 1
BT83.55 B438 2002 Eve's Pilgrimage : a Woman's Quest for the City of God. 1
BT83.55 .B438 2003 Woman / 1
BT83.55 .B44 2006 Being feminist, being Christian : essays from academia / 2
BT83.55 .B44 2006eb Being feminist, being Christian : essays from academia / 2
BT83.55 .B48 2005 Fragments of real presence : liturgical traditions in the hands of women / 1
BT83.55 .B63 2005 Bodies in question : gender, religion, text / 1
BT83.55 .B63 2016 Bodies in question : gender, religion, text / 1
BT83.55 .B64 1998 Bodies, lives, voices : gender in theology / 1