Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT83.85 .K66 2005eb An emerging cosmotheandric religion? : Raimon Panikkar's pluralistic theology of religions / 1
BT83.85 .L56 2002 Shaking the fundamentals : religious plurality and ecumenical movement / 1
BT83.85 .W36 2009 Jesus Christ and the religions : an essay in theology of religions / 1
BT83.85 .W36 2009eb Jesus Christ and the religions : an essay in theology of religions / 2
BT83.9 Religious resistance to neoliberalism : womanist and black feminist perspectives /
In my grandmother's house : Black women, faith, and the stories we inherit /
BT83.9 .A45 2013 Toward a womanist homiletic : Katie Cannon, Alice Walker, and emancipatory proclamation / 1
BT83.9 .B33 2006 Dancing with God : the Trinity from a womanist perspective / 1
BT83.9 .B34 1998 Sisters of dust, sisters of spirit : womanist wordings on God and creation / 3
BT83.9 .C65 2008 Making a way out of no way : a womanist theology / 1
BT83.9 .D39 2016 Religious resistance to neoliberalism : womanist and black feminist perspectives / 1
BT83.9.D395 2016 Religious Resistance to Neoliberalism : Womanist and Black Feminist Perspectives. 1
BT83.9 .D44 2006 Deeper shades of purple : womanism in religion and society / 2
BT83.9 .D68 1999 Sexuality and the Black church : a womanist perspective / 2
BT83.9 .E47 1997 Embracing the spirit : womanist perspectives on hope, salvation, and transformation / 2
BT83.9 .H38 1995 Hagar's daughters : womanist ways of being in the world / 1
BT83.9. H38 1995 Hagar's daughters : womanist ways of being in the world / 1
BT83.9 .L58 1995 Living the intersection : womanism and Afrocentrism in theology / 1
BT83.9 .M67 2023 Hidden histories : faith and Black lesbian leadership / 1
BT83.9 .P47 1995 Perspectives on womanist theology / 1
BT83.9.S54 2011 Self, Culture, and Others in Womanist Practical Theology. 1