Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT83.9 .L58 1995 Living the intersection : womanism and Afrocentrism in theology / 1
BT83.9 .M67 2023 Hidden histories : faith and Black lesbian leadership / 1
BT83.9 .P47 1995 Perspectives on womanist theology / 1
BT83.9.S54 2011 Self, Culture, and Others in Womanist Practical Theology. 1
BT83.9 .S54 2011eb Self, culture, and others in womanist practical theology 1
BT83.9 ebook El banquete de la sabiduría : invitación a la interpretación feminista de las Escrituras / 1
BT84 Unamuno, Berdyaev, Marcel : a comparative study in Christian existentialism / 1
BT84 .C37 2022 Monotheism and existentialism / 1
BT84 .P37 1999 Anxious angels : a retrospective view of religious existentialism / 1
BT85 .D57 2000 Divine aporia : postmodern conversations about the other / 1
BT85 (INTERNET) Regula vitæ the rule of the law vnder the Gospel : containing a discovery of the pestiferous sect of libertines, antinomians, and sonnes of Belial, lately sprung up both to destroy the law, and disturbe the faith of the Gospell : wherein is manifestly proved, that God seeth sinne in iustified persons / 1
BT85 .W37 1996 Theology and contemporary critical theory / 1
BT85 .W37 2000 Theology and contemporary critical theory / 1
BT88 Rethinking "authority" in late antiquity : authorship, law, and transmission in Jewish and Christian tradition / 1
BT88 .A48 2016 Law, liberty and church : authority and justice in the major churches in England / 1
BT88.A98 2010 Up with Authority : Why We Need Authority to Flourish as Human Beings. 1
BT88 .C24 Images of authority : a consideration of the concepts of regnum and sacerdotium / 1
BT88 .C247 1976 Authority and the renewal of American theology / 2
BT88 .E92 1992 Problems of authority in the Reformation debates / 1
BT88 .F6 1952 The principle of authority in relation to certainty, sanctity, and society : an essay in the philosophy of experimental religion. 1