Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT877 .P46 2016 Millennium-Studien : Peoples of the Apocalypse : Eschatological Beliefs and Political Scenarios /
Millennium-Studien Peoples of the Apocalypse : Eschatological Beliefs and Political Scenarios /
BT877 .V69 2017 Existential threats : American apocalyptic beliefs in the technological era / 1
BT877 .V69 2017eb Existential threats American apocalyptic beliefs in the technological era / 1
BT877 .W55 2006 Armageddon Now : the End of the World A to Z.
Armageddon now : the end of the world A to Z /
BT877 .W55 2006eb Armageddon now : the end of the world A to Z / 1
BT880 The great assize, or, Day of jubilee in which we must make a general account of all our actions before Almighty God : delivered in four sermons upon the XX. chapter of the Revelations, plainly shewing the happy of the godly and the woful condition of the wicked : whereunto is annexed two sermons upon the first chapter of the Canticles, verse 6, 7 / 1
BT880 .A43 An Alarm to judgement, or, An Assay to rouse up all of all sorts (before it be too late) to prepare to meet the Bridegroom to which is added a parable under the title of The minories with a preface thereto. 2
BT880 .A52 1641 A golden trumpet sounding an alarum to iudgement the sound whereof was neuer more needfull, though euermore profitable : dedicated and directed vnto all the elect children of God which truly repent / 1
BT880 .A52 1648 A golden trumpet sounding an alarum to judgement the sound whereof was never more needfull though evermore profitable : dedicated and directed unto all the elect children of God which truly repent / 2
BT880 .B39 The great & dreadful day of the Lord God almighty (which is hastening as a flood upon the whole world of the ungodly once more proclaimed that all people may again be warned to repent with speed and to be left without excuse. 2
BT880 .B39 1672 A sermon of judgment preached at Pauls before the Honourable Lord Major and aldermen of the city of London, Decemb. 17. 1654 : and now enlarged / 2
BT880 .C53 1595 Sommons to doomes daie sent vnto his beloved England, as a memoriall of his deepe printed loue and loyaltie. / 1
BT880.C66 1655 The day-dawning and the day-star arising to the dispersed of Judah & Israel wherein is briefly handled their call and Christs second coming, whose day is neer at hand / 1
BT880 .E43 1649 And they shall look upon him whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for an onely &c, and shall be in bitterness for him as one is in bitterness for his first born. 2
BT880 .F66 Mercy in the midst of judgment with a glimpse of, or a glance on, London's glorious resurrection like a Phoenix out of it's ashes /
Mercy in the midst of judgment with a glimpse of, or a glance on, London's glorious resurrection like a Phoenix out of it's ashes
BT880 .G73 1613 A treatise of the great and generall day of judgement necessary for euery Christian, that wisheth good successe to his soule, at that great and terrible day / 1
BT880 .G73 1614 A treatise of the great and generall day of judgement necessary for euery Christian, that wisheth good successe to his soule, at that great and terrible day / 1
BT880 (INTERNET) The great day at the dore and he cometh with clouds that shall judge the quick and the dead, and reigne on the earth with all his saints, not for a thousand yeares in this corrupt and sinfull world, as some coruptly conceive and teach, nay, but for a thousand and a thousand and ten thousand times ten thousand thousands of yeares, even for ever and ever, eternally in the world to come ... proved clearly by the word of God.
Christ's certain and sudden appearance to judgment
Two treatises tending to awaken secure sinners viz., 1. The terror of the day of judgment, from 2 Cor. 5. 10, 2. The danger of slighting Christ and his Gospel, from Matth. 22. 5 /
De mortuorum resurrectione, & extremo iuditio in quatuor linguis succincte conscriptum opusculu[m]
A practical discourse concerning a future judgment
The coniectures of the ende of the worlde
Opusculum plane divinum de mortuorum resurrectione et extremo iuditio, in quatuor linguis succincte conscriptum
The general session conteining an apologie of the most comfortable doctrine concerning the ende of this world, and seconde comming of Christ /
The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement
BT880.J8 1691 Two witnesses to the midnight cry. 1
BT880 .K66 The great assizes, or general day of judgment, being the laying forth the state of man in righteousness and the cursed condition of the wicked and the accounts that every man must give at the general resurrection / 2