Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT880.S547 G73 1618 The great assize, or, Day of iubilee. Deliuered in foure sermons vpon the 20. chapter of the Reuel. v. : Whereunto are annexed two sermons vpon the I. chapter of the Cant. ver. 6.7. 1
BT880 .S56 Signs of the judgement, Onomastica sacra, and The generations from Adam / 1
BT880 .S6 1646 The great assize, or, Day of Jubilee, in which we must make a generall accompt of all our actions before almighty God. Delivered in four sermons upon the 20 chap. of the Revel. plainly shewing the happy estate of the godly, and the woful condition of the wicked. / 1
BT880 .S64 An alarm sounding forth unto all the inhabitants of the earth as a warning before the vials of everlasting wrath be poured forth upon them.
The lamb and his day proclaimed
The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement.
BT880 .S64 1591 The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement 1
BT880 .S64 1621 The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement. 1
BT880 .S64 1630 The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement 1
BT880 .S64 1640 The trumpet of the soule sounding to judgement 1
BT880 .S64 1660 The lamb and his day proclaimed 1
BT880 .S65 1695 The great assize, or, Day of jubilee, in which we must make a general account of all our actions before almighty God. Delivered in four sermons upon the XX. chapter of the Revelations; plainly shewing the happy estate of the godly, and the woful condition of the wicked. Whereunto is annexed two sermons upon the first chapter of the Canticles, vers. 6,7. [sic] / 1
BT880 .S85 1687 The safety of appearing at the day of judgement, in the righteousness of Christ: opened and applied. 1
BT880 .V45 1676 Christ's certain and sudden appearance to judgment 2
BT880 .V45 1683 Christ's certain and sudden appearance to judgment 1
BT880 .V5 1685 Christ's certain and sudden appearance to judgment. 1
BT880 .V56 The only deliverer from wrath to come, or, The way to escape the horrible and eternal burnings of Hell 1
BT880 V56 Godlinesse in principle and conversation a necessary preparative to the worlds dissolution and the escaping of future burnings / 1
BT880 .W54 Impenitent sinners warned of their misery and summoned to judgment delivered in two sermons, the former on the Sabbath, Nov. 6, the other on the lecture following, Nov. 10, 1698, occasioned by the amazing instance of a miserable creature who stood condemned for murdering her infant begotten in whoredom : to which are subjoyned the solemn words spoken to her on those opportunities, published for the warning of others / 2
BT881 .C75 1830i The criminal court 1
BT881 .G74 1774 The following is a copy of a bill which was stuck up at Richmond, on Saturday the 4th of June, 1774, close to the playbill for that day the design of which was to divert the minds of the dissipated and gay from the vain amusements of the theatre, and to fix their attention to the awful circumstances which shall usher in and succeed the great and terrible day of the Lord. By command of the king of kings, and at the desire of all who love His appearing. At the great theatre of the universe, on the eve of time, will be performed, The great assize, or Day of Judgment .. 1
BT882 .E53 2000 The end of the world and the ends of God : science and theology on eschatology / 1