Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT880 V56 Godlinesse in principle and conversation a necessary preparative to the worlds dissolution and the escaping of future burnings / 1
BT880 .W54 Impenitent sinners warned of their misery and summoned to judgment delivered in two sermons, the former on the Sabbath, Nov. 6, the other on the lecture following, Nov. 10, 1698, occasioned by the amazing instance of a miserable creature who stood condemned for murdering her infant begotten in whoredom : to which are subjoyned the solemn words spoken to her on those opportunities, published for the warning of others / 2
BT881 .C75 1830i The criminal court 1
BT881 .G74 1774 The following is a copy of a bill which was stuck up at Richmond, on Saturday the 4th of June, 1774, close to the playbill for that day the design of which was to divert the minds of the dissipated and gay from the vain amusements of the theatre, and to fix their attention to the awful circumstances which shall usher in and succeed the great and terrible day of the Lord. By command of the king of kings, and at the desire of all who love His appearing. At the great theatre of the universe, on the eve of time, will be performed, The great assize, or Day of Judgment .. 1
BT882 .E53 2000 The end of the world and the ends of God : science and theology on eschatology / 1
BT882 .T6 1696 To the High Court of Parliament. The prophecy of scripture, concerning the near approaching kingdom of Jesus Christ, ... I Chron. 12.32. 1
BT883 Das letzte Gericht : Studien zur Endgerichtserwartung von den Schriftpropheten bis Jesus /
Proclamation : proclamation of son Ahman, even Jesus Christ, to all peoples of the earth, even my holy will to warn all of my judgment upon all peoples.
BT883 P76 2011 Proclamation : proclamation of son Ahman, even Jesus Christ, to all peoples of the earth, even my holy will to warn all of my judgment upon all peoples. 1
BT883. S74 2012 Das letzte Gericht : Studien zur Endgerichtserwartung von den Schriftpropheten bis Jesus. 1
BT885 Some considerations by way of proposall and conclusion, humbly tendered, for the satisfying and uniting of all the faithfull in this day, whose hearts are groaning and sighing for the deliverance of Zion, and the appearance of her king. And desiring to separate from this wicked and adulterous generation.
Treatise on the second coming of Christ ...
BT885 .A65 Apocalyptic spirituality : treatises and letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan spirituals, Savonarola / 1
BT885 .A73 The personall reign of Christ upon earth in a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possesse a monarchicall state and kingdome in this world ... /
The personall reigne of Christ upon earth in a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved that Jesus Christ together with the saints shall visibly possesse a monarchiall state and kingdome in this world ... /
The personall reigne of Christ vpon earth in a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved that Iesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possesse a monarchicall state and kingdom in this world ... /
The personall reigne of Christ upon earth in a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved that Jesus Christ together with the saints shall visibly possesse a monarchiall state and kingdome in this world ...
BT885 .A735 The personall reigne of Christ upon earth in a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possesse a monarchicall state and kingdome in this world ... / 2
BT885 .A735 1661 The personal reign of Christ upon earth in a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possess a monarchical state and kingdom in this world ... / 2
BT885 .A92 An Awakening word to the churches, saints, and professors in this slumbring and sleepy day 1
BT885 .B48 A fresh memorial of the kingdom of Christ demonstrating from that solemn oath of Christ, Rev. X, by express letter of Scripture and most historical matter of fact, it must needs enter its succession 1697 ... /
A scheme of prophecy now to be fulfilled beginning this present year 1691, and so to be carried on to the succession of the kingdom of Christ, 1697, assuring the success of the King's present expedition.
BT885 .B48 1692 The Scripture-line of time from the first sabbath to the great sabbatism of the Kingdom of Christ proved to be continued by the 480 years from the going out of Egypt ... in compare with his Vision of the wheels ... / 1
BT885 .B75 The second coming of Christ : a discussion of this truth and related subjects which vitally concern our time / 1
BT885 .D66 Love to Christ, necessary to escape the curse at his coming 2
BT885 .D68 A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, the 3 of Nouember 1594. intreating of the second comming of Christ, and the disclosing of Antichrist. : With a confutation of diuerse coniectures concerning the end of the world, conteyned in a booke intituled, The second comming of Christ. / 1