Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BT890 .D39 | The Day of the Lord, or, Israel's retvrn with an humble presentation of the divine characters whereby this wonderfull day may seem very neer approaching. | 2 |
BT890 .E34 | Eclectical chiliasm, or, A discourse concerning the state of things from the beginning of the Millennium to the end of the world | 2 |
BT 890 .H12 | Das problem des chiliasmus und der dreissigjährige krieg . | 1 |
BT890.H4 (INTERNET) | Seder olam, or, The order, series or succession of all the ages, periods, and times of the whole world is theologically, philosophically and chronologically explicated and stated Also the hypothesis of the pre-existency and revolution of humane souls ... : To which is also annexed some explanatory questions of the book of the Revelations ... / | 1 |
BT890 .H66 1664 | Miscellanea: consisting of three treatises I. Exercitations extricated; resolving ten questions; touching the glorious kingdom of Christ on Earth, yet to come, viz. [brace] 1. Whether any scriptural numbers reach to Christs next coming? 2. Whether Christ hath yet had visible corporal glorious kingdom on Earth? 3. Whether the burning of the world shall be total , or partial, as to wicked men? 4. Whether the whole, or some part only of the Earth shall be refined thereby? 5. Whether there shall be any difference between part and part of Earth in the thousand years? 6. Whether in the time of the thousand years shall be any sinners on Earth? 7. Whether there shall be unsaved nations in the thousand years? 8. Whether there is yet to come a double corporal ressurrection? 9. Whether there shall be any second spiritual adamitical condition on Earth, in the thousand years? 10. Whether there is yet to come a second paradisian state? II. A review of; or a fresh enquiry after Gog and Magog where to find them. III. Some glimpses of Israels call approaching, from scripture, reason, and experiences; in a brief chronologie of fifteen years last past; and therein a true relation of the disputes of 300 Jewish rabbies, solemnly met, and set in council seven dayes; debating, whether the true messiah be already come, or no / | 1 |
BT890 .M38 | An impartial account of Mr. John Mason of Water-Stratford, and his sentiments | 2 |
BT890 .M54 | Millennianism, or, Christ's thousand years reign upon earth considered in a familiar letter to a friend. | 2 |
BT890.R4 .H64 |
The resurrection revealed, or, The dawnings of the day-star about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory far beyond any since the creation upon the Universal Church on earth : for a thousand yeers yet to come before the ultimate day of the general judgement to the raising of the Jews and ruine of all antichristian and secular powers that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws and advance his interest in this design : digested into seven bookes with a synopsis of the whole treatise and two tables, 1 of scriptures, 2 of things opened in this treatise / The resurrection revealed, or, The dawnings of the day-star about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory far beyond any since the creation upon the Universal Church on earth : for a thousand yeers yet to come before the ultimate day of the general judgement to the raising of the Jews and ruine of all antichristian and secular powers that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws and advance his interest in this design : digested into seven bookes with a synopsis of the whole treatise and two tables, 1 of scriptures, 2 of things opened in this treatise / |
2 |
BT890 .S43 |
A discoverie of the vvorld to come according to the Scriptures the first part thereof being didactical, or such as contains a form of positive doctrine : wherein 1. The doctrine of the world to come is propounded, explicated, confirmed, and applyed in a more familiar method then formerly hath been observed, 2. The doctrine of millenaries, touching a new reformed church in the latter times, which they call a new world, is confuted, 3. Sundry passages of holy writ are interpreted in reference to the world to come, which have been formerly wrested, and forced in a wrong sense / A discoverie of the vvorld to come according to the Scriptures the first part thereof being didactical, or such as contains a form of positive doctrine : wherein 1. The doctrine of the world to come is propounded, explicated, confirmed, and applyed in a more familiar method then formerly hath been observed, 2. The doctrine of millenaries, touching a new reformed church in the latter times, which they call a new world, is confuted, 3. Sundry passages of holy writ are interpreted in reference to the world to come, which have been formerly wrested, and forced in a wrong sense / |
2 |
BT890 .S53 |
Oukoumenē melloōsa, the world to come, Heb. 2, 5, or, The doctrine of the Kingdom of God and his Christ to come on earth ... tendred in the mean-time out of faith in his own soul and love towards all men ... / Chronoi apykatastaseōz panton, or, The times of restitution of all things with their neer approach upon the ruine of the beast : manifest by two tracts on Rev. 20.5 & Rev. 21.5 containing the main scope of all Revelation prophecie ... : which said two last tracts may fitly be entituled An alarm to this present world ... / |
4 |
BT891 | Calling Time : Religion and Change at the Turn of the Millennium. | 1 |
BT891 .A7 1997 | Apocalipsis con figuras : el hombre milenario / | 1 |
BT891 .B37 | Disaster and the millennium / | 1 |
BT891 .B87 | New heaven, new earth : a study of millenarian activities. | 1 |
BT891 .E53 2000 | Encyclopedia of millennialism and millennial movements / | 1 |
BT891 .F43 1999 | Fearful hope : approaching the new millennium / | 2 |
BT891 .H55 2001 | The time of the end : millenarian beliefs in Ulster / | 1 |
BT891 .L425 | The great covenant of the millennium for a new world society. | 1 |
BT891 .L57 1973 | Chiliastische Utopie und radikale Reformation : die Erneuerung der Idee vom 1000-jährigen Reich im 16. Jahrhundert. | 1 |
BT891 .M56 1996eb | Millennialism and violence | 1 |