Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT93.5 .W35 1990 Holy city, holy places ? : Christian attitudes to Jerusalem and the Holy Land in the fourth century / 1
BT93.8 Inventing the Holy Land : American Protestant pilgrimage to Palestine, 1865-1941 / 1
BT93.8 .A86 1989 Justice, and only justice : a Palestinian theology of liberation / 2
BT93.8 .C66 2022 Contemporary Catholic approaches to the people, land, and state of Israel / 1
BT93.8 .R34 1995 I am a Palestinian Christian / 2
BT93.8 .W55 1992 The land called holy : Palestine in Christian history and thought / 2
BT94 El reino de Dios esta en vosotros.
To all that love the appearance of Jesus Christ
The saviour of the world.
BT94 .A82 1995 Toward an African Christian theology of the Kingdom of God : the kingship of Onyame / 1
BT94 .B37 1682 A discourse concerning the nature of Christ's Kingdom with relation to the kingdoms of this world 2
BT94 .B44 1869 Behold the creation of a new heaven and a new earth Is. lx, 22; 2 Peter iii, 13; Rev. xxi 1. / 1
BT94 .B48 God all in all, or, The kingdom of the Son deliver'd up to God, even the Father, by the Son himself being a sermon on the kingdom of God all in all, leading into an exacter and clearer discovery of the kingdom of Christ, upon that great context, I Cor. 15. 24, 28 &c. / 2
BT94 .B75 The kingdom of God, the Biblical concept and its meaning for the church. 1
BT94 .B813 Kingship of God / 1
BT94 .B813 1967b Kingship of God. 1
BT94 .B87 Christians earnest expectation and longing for the glorious appearing of the great God and our saviour Jesus Christ set forth in a discourse occasioned by the decease of that excellent Christian and minister of Christ Mr. Noah Webb ... / 2
BT94 .E44 The Kingdom of God opened and proved to be a kingdom of grace and glory, the one thing necessary for all, and the saints everlasting happiness a discovery of the subjects of it by their qualification and conversation, scriptural evidences for every one to try his eternal state by : with motives and means for getting and keeping a comfortable assurance of this heavenly kingdom /
The Kingdom of God opened and proved to be a kingdom of grace and glory, the one thing necessary for all, and the saints everlasting happiness a discovery of the subjects of it by their qualification and conversation, scripture-evidences for every one to try his eternal state by : with motives and means for getting and keeping a comfortable assurance of this heavenly kingdom : with a præfatory epistle to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty licenced by his special order /
The Kingdom of God opened and proved to be a kingdom of grace and glory, the one thing necessary for all, and the saints everlasting happiness a discovery of the subjects of it by their qualification and conversation, scripture-evidences for every one to try his eternal state by : with motives and means for getting and keeping a comfortable assurance of this heavenly kingdom : with a præfatory epistle to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty licenced by his special order /
BT94.E741 2017 Chosen Places. 1
BT94 .E7413 2017 Chosen places : constructing new Jerusalems in Slavia Orthodoxa / 1
BT94 .F465 1989eb The everlasting kingdom : the kingdom of God in scripture and in our lives / 1
BT94 .G69 1998 The totalitarian kingdom of God : the political philosophy of E. Stanley Jones / 1