Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT94 .S3523 1968 The kingdom of God and primitive Christianity / 1
BT94.S73 N37 The nature of God's kingdom and dominion over men clearly laid open and explained, as the same relates to these following particulars ... in a discourse on Deut. 8.2. wherein is likewise shewed, what influence these things ought to have upon our life and conversation / 1
BT94 .W754 2012 How God became king : the forgotten story of the Gospels / 1
BT95 .B87 1631 The law and the gospell reconciled, or, The euangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace a treatise shewing the perpetuall vse of the morall law vnder the gospell to beleeuers, in answere to a letter written by an Antinomian to a faithfull Christian : also how the morality of the 4th commandement is continued in the Lords day, proued the Christian Sabbath by diuine institution : a briefe catologue of the Antinomian doctrines /
The law and the Gospell reconciled., or, The euangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace. A treatise shewing the perpetuall vse of the morall law vnder the Gospell to beleeuers; in answere to a letter written by an antinomian to a faithfull Christian. Also how the morality of the 4th commandement is continued in the Lords day, proued the Christian sabbath by diuine institution. : A briefe catalogue of the antinomian doctrines. /
BT95 .C73 1683 A sermon preached before the King, February 10th, 1677/8 2
BT95 .C73 1693 A sermon preached before the King, February 10th, 1677/8 2
BT95 .F57 1695 A treatise of policy and religion. 2
BT95 .F6 A discourse concerning God's judgements resolving many weighty questions and cases relating to them : preached (for the substance of it) at Old Swinford in Worcester-shire /
A discourse concerning God's judgements resolving many weighty questions and cases relating to them. Preached (for the substance of it) at Old Swinford in Worcester-shire: and now publish'd to accompany the annexed narrative, concerning the man whose hands and legs lately rotted off: in the neighbouring parish of Kings-Swinford, in Staffordshire; penned by another author. /
BT95 (INTERNET) Theo-politica, or, A body of divinity containing the rules of the special government of God, according to which, he orders the immortal and intellectual creatures, angels, and men, to their final and eternal estate : being a method of those saving truths, which are contained in the Canon of the Holy Scripture, and abridged in those words of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which were the ground and foundation of those apostolical creeds and forms of confessions, related by the ancients, and, in particular, by Irenæus, and Tertullian /
The law and equity of the gospel, or, The goodness of our Lord as a legislator
The onely remedy that can cure a people, when all other remedies faile /
Oile of scorpions The miseries of these times turned into medicines and curing themselues /
The theatre of Gods judgements wherein is represented the admirable justice of God against all notorious sinners ... /
BT95 .M6513 1988 On divine foreknowledge : part IV of the Concordia / 2
BT95 .R43 Providence and precept, or, The case of doing evil that good may come of it stated and resolved according to Scripture, reason, and the (primitive) practice of the Church of England : with a more particular respect to a late case of allegiance &c. and its vindication : in a letter to the author.
Providence and precept, or, The case of doing evil that good may come of it stated and resolved according to Scripture, reason, and the (primitive) practice of the Church of England : with a more particular respect to a late case of allegiance &c. and its vindication in a letter to the author.
BT95 .T39 1635 Regula vitæ the rule of the lauu under the gospel : containing a discovery of the pestiferous sect of libertines, antinomians, and sonnes of Belial, lately sprung up both to destroy the law, and disturbe the faith of the gospel : wherein is manifestly proved, that God seeth sinne in justified persons / 1
BT96 .M2 1851 The method of the divine government physical and moral / 1
BT96 .M2 1855 The Method of the Divine Government : Physical and Moral / 1
BT96 .M26 1943 Las veladas de San Petersburgo, o, Coloquios sobre el gobierno temporal de la Providencia / 1
BT96 .M35713 1993eb St. Petersburg dialogues, or, Conversations on the temporal government of Providence / 2
BT96 .T2 Lectures on the moral government of God.
Lectures on the moral government of God
BT96 .W38 The bow in the clouds : an essay towards the integration of experience / 1
BT96 .W42 1944 The will of God / 1
BT96.2 .B333 1985eb Christ : the end of the law : Romans 10.4 in Pauline perspective / 1