Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT96.2 .B35 1993 The word and the law / 1
BT96.2 .B825 1992 Biblical and theological insights from ancient and modern civil law / 1
BT96.2 .H48 1992 Calvin's concept of the law / 1
BT96.2 K47 1965 The grace of law : a study in Puritan theology / 1
BT96.2 .O8 Who trusts in God : musings on the meaning of providence / 1
BT96.2 .R8 De vervulling van de wet een dogmatische studie over de verhouding van openbaring en existentie. 1
BT96.3 On the cessation of the laws /
Providence of God Regarding the Universe : Part Three of the First Principal Part of The Universe of Creatures.
Medieval theories of divine providence : 1250-1350 /
BT96.3.B755 2016 Trusting God. 1
BT96.3 .G7613 2012 On the cessation of the laws / 1
BT96.3 .W5513 2007 The providence of God regarding the universe : part three of the first principal part of The universe of creatures / 1
BT97 Parapsicología de los milagros / 1
BT97.A2 C15 1851a Caesarii Heisterbacensis... Dialogus miraculorum / J. M. Heberle (H. Lempertz & Comp., 1
BT97.A2 C15 1929 The dialogue on miracles / 1
BT97.A2 C18 Geschichten aus dem Mittelalter. 1
BT97.A2 C18 2009 Dialogus miraculorum = Dialog über die Wunder / 1
BT97.A2 (INTERNET) Miracles, no violations of the lavvs of nature
The story of Jetzer, taken out of Dr. G. Burnet's letters with a collection of miracles wrought by popish saints, during their lives, and after their deaths, out of their own authours, for information of all true-hearted Protestants : with a prefatory discourse, declaring the impossibility and folly of such vain impostures.
BT97.A2 .K4 The Kentish miracle: or A seasonable warning to all sinners. Shewing the wonderful relation of one Mary More ... How the Devil appeared to her ... and how she confounded Satan with her powerful arguments ... Likewise an account of how an angel appeared to her, and relieved her also declaring many things to her that shall happen very speedily. Shewing likewise what strange and surprizing accidents shall happen by means of this present war, and concerning a dreadful earthquake, &c. &c. 1
BT97.A2 P48 1988 Petri Cluniacensis Abbatis De miraculis libri duo / 1
BT97.A2 W66 The Wonderful recompense of faith, or, Strange news from Dursley in Gloucester-shire being a true and perfect relation how a godly farmer having his barn full of corn burnt down, and bearing that loss with an extraordinary patience, it hath pleased almighty God by a miraculous providence to reward him (this harvest) with a crop of wheat having generally fifteen good full ears on every stalk.
The Wonderful recompense of faith, or, Strange news from Dursley in Gloucester-shire being a true and perfect relation how a godly farmer having his barn full of corn burnt down, and bearing that loss with an extraordinary patience, it hath pleased almighty God by a miraculous providence to reward him (this harvest) with a crop of wheat having generally fifteen good full ears on every stalk ..
BT97 .B8 1885a A dictionary of miracles, imitative, realistic, and dogmatic : with illustrations / 1