Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT97.3 .N54 2003 Word, image, and experience : dynamics of miracle and self-perception in sixth-century Gaul / 1
BT97.3 .T39 2011 Marvels & miracles in late colonial Mexico : three texts in context / 2
BT97.3 .T46 2001 De panes y sermones : el milagro de los "panecitos" de Santa Teresa /
De panes y sermones el milagro de los "panecitos" de Santa Teresa /
BT98 The God biographers : our changing image of God from Job to the present /
European physico-theology (1650-c.1760) in context : celebrating nature and creation /
BT98.A57 K37 1998 --ipsa vita et veritas : der "ontologische Gottesbeweis" und die Ideenwelt Anselms von Canterbury / 1
BT98 .A65 1993 A history of God : the 4000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam / 1
BT98 .B4 1938a The empirical argument for God in late British thought / 1
BT98.B66 L2612 2000 Waiting for the word : Dietrich Bonhoeffer on speaking about God / 1
BT98 .B87 The non-existence of God : antitheism from Hegel to Duméry / 1
BT98 .C66 2004eb Knowing God by experience : the spiritual senses in the theology of William of Auxerre / 2
BT98 .C7 1980b The cosmological argument from Plato to Leibniz / 1
BT98 .D29 1986 Divine power : a study of Karl Barth and Charles Hartshorne / 1
BT98 .D5635 2020eb The one creator God in Thomas Aquinas & contemporary theology / 1
BT98 .D63 1994 The knowledge of God in Calvin's theology / 1
BT98 .D87 1973 Theology and intelligibility : an examination of the proposition that God is the last end of rational creatures and the doctrine that God is three persons in one substance (the doctrine of the Holy Trinity) 1
BT98 .E85 Subjectivity and religious belief : an historical, critical study / 1
BT98.F37 C66 1995 Metaphysical personalism : an analysis of Austin Farrer's metaphysics of theism / 1
BT98 .G59 2009eb God in early Christian thought : essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson / 1
BT98 .G68 The early Christian doctrine of God / 1
BT98.H26 D66 1996 Analytic theism, Hartshorne, and the concept of God / 1