Call Number (LC) Title Results
BT993.3 .C73 2004eb The Apostles' creed : a faith to live by / 1
BT993.3 .G35 2008 Doxology and theology : an investigation of the Apostles' Creed in light of Ludwig Wittgenstein / 1
BT993.3 .H69 2005eb The life we claim : the Apostles' Creed for preaching, teaching, and worship / 1
BT995 (INTERNET) An answer to an anonimous pamphleteer, who impugns the doctrine contain'd in St. Athanasius his creed
An explication and vindication of the Athanasian Creed in a third letter, pursuant of two former, concerning the Sacred Trinity : together with a postscript, in answer to another letter /
BT995 .T69 A briefe account of some expressions in Saint Athanasius his Creed for the satisfaction of those who think themselves thereby oblig'd to believe all things therein contain'd to be absolutely necessary to Salvation. 2
BT995 .W34 An explication and vindication of the Athanasian Creed in a third letter, pursuant of two former, concerning the Sacred Trinity : together with a postscript, in answer to another letter / 2
BT999 The Faith of a Physicist : Reflections of a Bottom-Up Thinker. 1
BT999 .B38 2003 I believe : the Nicene Creed / 1
BT999 .B84 1688 Defensio fidei Nicænæ ex scriptis, quæ exstant, Catholicorum doctorum, qui intra tria prima ecclesiæ Christianæ secula floruerunt : in qua obiter quoque Constantinopolitana confessio, de Spiritu Sancto, antiquiorum testimoniis adstruitur / 2
BT999 .P65 1994 The faith of a physicist : reflections of a bottom-up thinker : the Gifford lectures for 1993-4 / 1
BT999 .T67 2016eb The Trinitarian faith : the Evangelical theology of the ancient Catholic faith / 1
BT1029 .K37 Katēchēsis, kai faxis tēs bebajoseos Catechismus cum ordine confirmationis, Græce & Latine annexæ funt preces quotidianæ in usum Collegii Regalis Etonensis.
Katēchēsis, kai faxis tēs bebajoseos. Catechismus cum ordine confirmationis, Græce & Latine. Annexæ sunt preces quotidianæ in usum Scholæ Mercatorum Scissorum Londini.
BT1029 .K37 1697 Katēchēsis, kai tachis [sic] tēs bebaioseos Catechismus cum ordine confirmationis, Graece & Latine : annexae sunt preces quotidianae in usum Scholae Gippovicensis, Suffolc. 1
BT1029 .N69 1675 Catechismus parvus pueris, primum Latine qui ediscatur, proponendus in scholis. 1
BT1029 .R7 Rudimenta pietatis, quibus accessit summula catechismi, ad piam juniorum educationem apprimè utilis.
Rudimenta pietatis. Quibus accessit summula catechismi, ad piam juniorem educationem apprime utilis.
Rudimenta pietatis quibus accessit summula catechismi, ad piam juniorem educationem. apprime utilis.
BT1029 .R82 1629 Rudimenta pietatis: quibus accessit summula catechismi, ad piam juniorem educationem apprime utilis. 1
BT1029 .W44 [Paedagogia moralis tertiâ R. Williamsoni Cuprensis cura[m] aucta et limata] 1
BT1029 .W54 Paedagogia moralis tertiâ R. Williamsoni Cuprensis curâ aucta et limata, in gratiam juventutis Christianæ. 1
BT1030 A short treatise contayning all the principall grounds of Christian religion : by way of questions and answers, very profitable for all men, but especially for housholders.
[A briefe method of catechizing wherein are handled these foure points : 1. How miserable all men are by nature, 2. What remedie God hath appointed for their deliuerance, 3. How they must liue that are deliuered, 4. What helpes they must vse to that end : the same points are also contracted, and a forme of examining communicants added]
A short treatise, contayning all the principall grounds of Christian religion by way of questions and answers, very profitable for all men but especially for housholders.
The reviewer reviewed, or, Mr. Joseph Hacons mistakes in his late notes upon a catechisme
The chiefe heads of diuinitie, breifly [sic] & orderly set down, in forme of catechising, by question & answere.
A short catechisme.
The doctrine of the beginning of Christ. Short for memory, plaine for capacity, deliuered almost in the expresse words of the text, for the more authority. /
Short questions, and answeares, contayning the summe of Christian religion.
A plaine and familiar exposition vpon the creed, Ten Commandements, Lords Prayer and sacraments, by question and answer. Very needful to be learned and vnderstood of euery one before he be admitted to partake the sacrament of the Lords Supper. /
The scope of the scripture Containing a briefe exposition of the Apostles Creed, the ten Commandements, the Lords Prayer, and the sacraments, by short questions and answers. : Wherein the ignorant are taught the saving knowledge of God and of themselves. /
BT1030 1652 The doctrine of the Bible: or, Rules of discipline, briefly gathered thorow the whole course of the Scripture by way of questions and answers. 1