Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV109 .D58 1671 | Divine examples of Gods severe judgments upon Sabbath-breakers in their unlawfull sports, collected out of severall divine subjects, viz. Mr. H.B., Mr. Beard, and the Practice of piety : a fit monument for our present times. | 1 |
BV109.D58 1671 | Divine examples of God's severe judgments upon Sabbath-breakers, in their unlavvful sports, collected out of several divine subjects, viz. Mr. H.B. Mr. Beard, and the practice of piety : a fit monument for our present times, &c. | 1 |
BV109.F54 1583 | A godly exhortation, by occasion of the late iudgement of God, shewed at Parris-garden, the thirteenth day of Ianvaris: where were assembled by estimation; aboue a thousand persons, whereof some were slaine; & of that number, at the least, as is crediblie reported, the thirde person maimed and hurt. Giuen to all estates for their instruction, concerning the keeping of the Sabbath Day. / | 1 |
BV109 .G58 | Of the Christian Sabboth a godlye treatise of Mayster Iulius of Milayne / | 1 |
BV109 .G68 | The sabbaths sanctification ... | 2 |
BV109.H37 O4 1610 | Of the Sabbothe. | 1 |
BV109 .H65 | An essay concerning the Sabbath, or, The Sabbath-days rest from controversie wherein is asserted that our Christian Sabbath, Lords-day, or Sunday is the very same day of the week which was anciently observed by the Jews and Gentiles for the solemn day of their solemn weekly worship, before Israels coming out of Ægypt and after that by gentiles : prefaced, with an introduction thereunto touching the true meaning of Gen. 2 v, 2, 3 / | 2 |
A second treatise of the Sabbath, or, An explication of the Fourth Commandement A learned treatise of the Sabaoth The history of the Sabbath In two bookes. / The divine appointment of the Lords day proved as a separated day for holy worship, especially in the church assemblies, and consequently the cessation of the seventh day Sabbath : written for the satisfaction of some religious persons who are lately drawn into error or doubting in both these points / God's Sabbath before, under the law and under the Gospel briefly vindicated from novell and heterodox assertions / Of the morality of the fourth commandement as still in force to binde Christians delivered by way of answer to the translator of Doctor Prideaux his lecture, concerning the doctrine of the Sabbath ... / The Lords-day, or, A succinct narration compiled out of the testimonies of H. Scripture and the reverend ancient fathers and divided into two books : in the former whereof is declared, that the observation of the Lords Day was from the Apostles ... : in the later is shewn in what things its sanctification doth consist ... / Questions about the nature and perpetuity of the seventh-day Sabbath and proof that the first day of the week is the true Christian-sabbath / The sabbaths sanctification ... A treatise of the Sabbath and the Lords-day distinguished into foure parts : wherein is declared both the nature, originall, and observation, as well of the one under the Old, as of the other under the New Testament / Theses Sabbaticæ, or, The doctrine of the Sabbath wherein the Sabbaths I. Morality, II. Change, III. Beginning. IV. Sanctification, are clearly discussed, which were first handled more largely in sundry sermons in Cambridge in New-England in opening of the Fourth Commandment : in unfolding whereof many scriptures are cleared, divers cases of conscience resolved, and the morall law as a rule of life to a believer, occasionally and distinctly handled / The Jewish Sabbath abrogated, or, The Saturday Sabbatarians confuted in two parts : first, proving the abrogation of the old seventh-day Sabbath : secondly, that the Lord's-Day is of divine appointment : containing several sermons newly preach'd upon a special occasion, wherein are many new arguments not found in former authors / Exercitations concerning the name, original, nature, use, and continuance of a day of sacred rest wherein the original of the Sabbath from the foundation of the world, the morality of the Fourth commandment with the change of the Seventh day are enquired into : together with an assertion of the divine institution of the Lord's Day, and practical directions for its due observation / The doctrine of the Church of England, concerning the Lord's Day, or Sunday-Sabbath as it is laid down in the liturgy, catechism, and book of homilies, vindicated from the vulgar errours of modern writers, and settled upon the only proper and sure basis of God's precept to Adam, and patriarchal practice, where an essay is laid down to prove, that the patriarchal Sabbath instituted, Gen. 2. 3. celebrated by the patriarchs before the Mosaick Law, and re-inforc'd in the fourth precept of the Decalogue, was the same day of the VVeek, viz. Sunday, which Christians celebrate in memory of the perfecting of the creation of the world by the redemption of mankind. A defense of the Christian Sabbath in answer to a treatise of Mr. Tho. Bampfield pleading for Saturday-sabbath / A brief answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath day digested dialogue-wise between two divines, A. and B. The doctrine of the Sabbath Wherein the first institution of the vveekly Sabbath, with the time thereof, the nature of the law binding man to keep it, the true ground, and necessity of the first institution, and of the observation of it, on the severall day in the Old Testament, and also of the moving of it to the first day under the Gospel, are laid open and proved out of the Holy Scriptures. Also besides the speciall dueties necessarily required for the due sanctification thereof, those two profitable points are proved by demonstrations out of Gods Word. First, that the Lord Christ God and man, is the Lord of the Sabbath, on whom the Sabbath was first founded...2. That the faithfull under the Gospell are as necessarily bound to keep the weekly Sabbath of the Lords day... / Vindiciæ sabbathi, or, An answer to two treatises of Master Broads the one, concerning the Sabbath or seaventh day, the other, concerning the Lord's-day or first of the weeke : with a survey of all the rest which of late have written upon that subject / |
18 |
BV109 .J3 | The morality of the seventh-day-Sabbath disproved in answer to C.T. Tillam's book, entituled, A present from prison, dedicated to L.C. Hobson ... / | 2 |
BV109 .J45 1658 | A lash for a lyar. Or A word of warning to all Christians to take heed of Thomas Tillam: who is now discovered by his preaching and printing, to be a common slanderer of as many as are contrary to his opinions: as it is ready to be proved, provided the hearing be judicial, and the issue recorded / | 1 |
BV109 .K43 1700 | The Jewish sabbath abrogated: or, The Saturday Sabbatarians confuted. In two parts. First, proving the abrogation of the old seventh-day sabbath. Secondly, that the Lord's-Day is of divine appointment. Containing several sermons newly preach'd upon a special occasion wherein are many new arguments not found in former authors. / | 1 |
BV109 .L38 | For the Sabbath briefe and some new argvments in the New Testament : 1. There is a Sabbath ... in the New Testament, 2. The first day of the weeke is that Sabbath, 3. The night of that first day followeth the first day, ergo the Sabbath and every other day beginneth in the morning, 4. The seventh day is not now any Sabbath / | 2 |
BV109 .M37 1694 | A tract on the Sabbath-Day wherein the keeping of the first-day of the week a Sabbath is justified by a divine command and a double example contained in the Old and New Testament : with answers to the chiefest objections made by the Jewish seventh-day Sabbatharians and others / | 2 |
BV109 .N48 | The New Testament Sabbath, or, Considerations concerning the precise time of worship that Christians are obligated unto by the doctrine of Christ and his apostles | 1 |
BV109 .O84 | Exercitations concerning the name, original, nature, use, and continuance of a day of sacred rest wherein the original of the Sabbath from the foundation of the world, the morality of the Fourth commandment with the change of the Seventh day are enquired into : together with an assertion of the divine institution of the Lord's Day, and practical directions for its due observation / | 2 |
BV109 .O84 1671 | Exercitations concerning the name, original, nature, use, and continuance of a day of sacred rest wherein the original of the Sabbath from the foundation of the world, the morality of the Fourth commandment, with the change of the seventh day are enquired into : together with an assertion of the divine institution of the Lord's Day, and practical directions for its due observation / | 2 |
BV109 .P74 1634 | The doctrine of the Sabbath delivered in the Act at Oxon. anno, 1622 / | 1 |
BV109 .P96 | I. The time when the first Sabbath was ordained ... II. The manner how the first Sabbath was ordained ... Part II, III. A treatise of holy time concerning the true limits of the Lords day ... / | 2 |
BV109 .R63 1572 | [An earnest complaint of diuers vain, wicked and abused exercises, practised on the Saboth day] | 1 |
BV109 .S53 |
Theses Sabbaticæ, or, The doctrine of the Sabbath wherein the Sabbaths I. Morality, II. Change, III. Beginning. IV. Sanctification, are clearly discussed, which were first handled more largely in sundry sermons in Cambridge in New-England in opening of the Fourth Commandment : in unfolding whereof many scriptures are cleared, divers cases of conscience resolved, and the morall law as a rule of life to a believer, occasionally and distinctly handled / Theses Sabbaticæ, or, The doctrine of the Sabbath wherein the Sabbaths I. Morality, II. Change, III. Beginning. IV. Sanctification, are clearly discussed, which were first handled more largely in sundry sermons in Cambridge in New-England in opening of the Fourth COmmandment : in unfolding whereof many scriptures are cleared, divers cases of conscience resolved, and the morall law as a rule of life to a believer, occasionally and distinctly handled / |
2 |