Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV1464 .W55 2001 Divine knowledge : a Kierkegaardian perspective on Christian education / 1
BV1464 W75 2016 Religious education and critical realism : knowledge, reality and religious literacy / 1
BV1465 .A53 2016eb Ancient education and early Christianity / 1
BV1465 .S23 2018 In the image of Origen : eros, virtue, and constraint in the early Christian academy / 2
BV1465 .S23 2019 In the image of Origen : eros, virtue and constraint in the early Christian academy / 1
BV1465 .S5 The rise of Christian education / 1
BV1465 .U4 A history of religious education; documents and interpretations from the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
A history of religious education: documents and interpretations from the Judaeo-Christian tradition /
A history of religious education : documents and interpretations from the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
BV1467 .A7 Character building in a democracy / 1
BV1467 .F5 1933 Children & Puritanism : the place of children in the life and thought of the New England churches, 1620-1847 / 1
BV1467 .H3 Community organization in religious education / 1
BV1467 .H33 Standards and trends in religious education / 1
BV1467 .M36 2001 To raise up the South : Sunday schools in Black and White churches, 1865-1915 / 1
BV1467 .S36 1992 Schooling Christians : "holy experiments" in American education / 2
BV1467 .S4 1982 From Sunday school to church school : continuities in protestant church education in the United States, 1860-1929 / 2
BV1468.C8 S7 A history of religious education in Connecticut to the middle of the nineteenth century / 1
BV1470.A78 Religious education in Asia : spiritual diversity in globalized times / 1
BV1470.E9 ebook Escuela y religión en Europa : un camino de cincuenta años (1960-2010) / 1
BV1470.G3 .R47 1995 Zwischen Kreuz und Hakenkreuz : Untersuchungen zur Religionspädagogik im Dritten Reich / 1
BV1470.G7 Religious Education 1944-1984 / 1
BV1470.G7 C6 Agreed syllabus of religious education / 1