Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV1534 .M25 Practical pedagogy in the Sunday school / 1
BV1534 .M52 Creative procedures for adult groups / 1
BV1534 .M54 Three approaches to religious education / 1
BV1534 .R627 The art of teaching Christianity : enabling the loving revolution / 1
BV1534 .S33 (Toner Coll) A word to Christian teachers and students for the ministry 1
BV1534.2 .A42 1690 The primitive institution, or, A seasonable discourse of catechizing wherein is shewn, the antiquity, benefits and necessity thereof ... /
The primitive institution, or, A seasonable discourse of catechizing wherein is shewn, the antiquity, benefits and necessity thereof : together with its suitableness to heal the present distempers of this national church /
BV1534.2 .C67 2000 Los catecismos que leyeron nuestros padres : ideología e imaginario popular en el siglo XX / 1
BV1534.2 .J3 A tast [sic] of a catechetical-preaching-exercise for the instruction of families, and establishing the minds of men, against the errors of the times / 2
BV1534.2 ebook Grupos jóvenes de Jesús /
El lenguaje y los lenguajes en la catequesis /
La catequesis que soñamos /
BV1534.3 Intergenerational Catechesis : Revitalizing Faith through African-American Storytelling. 1
BV1534.4 .C64 1968 Children in the market place: stepping stones to playmaking / 1
BV1534.4 .F7 Discovery in drama / 1
BV1534.75 .S43 1998 Lehrhafte Bildtafeln in Spätmittelalterlichen Kirchen / 1
BV1535 .P6 1967 50 object lessons : the Gospel visualized for children / 1
BV1535.Z9 D3 Media for Christian formation : a guide to audio-visual resources / 1
BV1535.2 .L3 1999 Bild und Wort : die katechetischen Funktionen des Bildes in der griechischen Theologie des sechsten bis neunten Jahrhunderts / 1
BV1535.2 .L3 1999 Bild und Wort : die katechetischen Funktionen des Bildes in der griechischen Theologie des sechsten bis neunten Jahrhunderts / 1
BV1536.5 .B7 1966 Lord of the dance : an approach to religious education / 1
BV1540 .C32 Teaching nursery children / 1
BV1540 .F38 Guiding the nursery class / 1