Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV230 .A28 1976 Katechetische Vaterunserauslegungen : Texte und Untersuchungen zu deutschsprachigen Auslegungen des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts / 1
BV230 .A56 Pater noster, Our Father, or, The Lord's prayer explained the sense thereof and duties therein from Scripture, history, and fathers, methodically cleared and succinctly opened at Edinburgh / 2
BV230 .B3eb Sermons on the Lord's prayer. 1
BV230 .B34 1637 Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lords Prayer 1
BV230 .B48 The Prayer of prayers, or, The Lord's Prayer expounded
An exposition of the divine standard of prayer, styl'd the Lord's Prayer of the preface, conclnsion [sic], and of every petition of it, as of the prayer of the kingdom of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ /
BV230 .B6 Studies in the model prayer / 1
BV230.B73 1641 A paraphrase upon the Lords prayer, and the Creed 1
BV230 .C76 Thy will be done : praying the Our Father as subversive activity / 2
BV230 .D46 A learned and fruitfull exposition vpon the Lords prayer. 1
BV230 .D62 A plaine and familiar exposition on the Lords prayer first preached in divers sermons, the substance whereof, is now published for the benefit of the church / 1
BV230 .E65d 1526a A deuoute treatise vpon the Pater noster 1
BV230 .F76 From oure enemies defe[n]d us 1
BV230 .F873 1968 Das Pater noster in der Messe. 1
BV230 .G58165 1969 ... Assim na terra / 1
BV230 .G62 A Godly and short treatise vpon the Lordes prayer, the xii articles of the Christian faith, and the Ten commaundementes. 1
BV230 .G74 Gueddi'r-Arglwydd wedi ei hegluro mewn amrŷw ymadroddion, neu bregetheu byrrion / 2
BV230 .G74 2018 Homélies sur le Notre Père / 1
BV230 .H365 2010 The Lord's prayer in the early church : the pearl of great price / 1
BV230 .H365 2010eb The Lord's prayer in the early church : the pearl of great price / 1
BV230 .H54 1609 The path-way to prayer and pietie containing, 1. An exposition of the Lords prayer, 2. A preparation to the Lords Supper, 3. A direction to a Christian life, 4. An instruction to a Christian death : with divers prayers and thankesgiuings fit for this treatise / 1