Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV230.B73 1641 | A paraphrase upon the Lords prayer, and the Creed | 1 |
BV230 .C76 | Thy will be done : praying the Our Father as subversive activity / | 2 |
BV230 .D46 | A learned and fruitfull exposition vpon the Lords prayer. | 1 |
BV230 .D62 | A plaine and familiar exposition on the Lords prayer first preached in divers sermons, the substance whereof, is now published for the benefit of the church / | 1 |
BV230 .E65d 1526a | A deuoute treatise vpon the Pater noster | 1 |
BV230 .F76 | From oure enemies defe[n]d us | 1 |
BV230 .F873 1968 | Das Pater noster in der Messe. | 1 |
BV230 .G58165 1969 | ... Assim na terra / | 1 |
BV230 .G62 | A Godly and short treatise vpon the Lordes prayer, the xii articles of the Christian faith, and the Ten commaundementes. | 1 |
BV230 .G74 | Gueddi'r-Arglwydd wedi ei hegluro mewn amrŷw ymadroddion, neu bregetheu byrrion / | 2 |
BV230 .G74 2018 | Homélies sur le Notre Père / | 1 |
BV230 .H365 2010 | The Lord's prayer in the early church : the pearl of great price / | 1 |
BV230 .H365 2010eb | The Lord's prayer in the early church : the pearl of great price / | 1 |
BV230 .H54 1609 | The path-way to prayer and pietie containing, 1. An exposition of the Lords prayer, 2. A preparation to the Lords Supper, 3. A direction to a Christian life, 4. An instruction to a Christian death : with divers prayers and thankesgiuings fit for this treatise / | 1 |
BV230 .H54 1629 | The path-way to pietie containing, 1. Christs prayer expounded ..., 2. A communicant instructed ..., 3. A direction to live well ..., 4. A direction to die well ... / | 1 |
BV230 .H54 1641 | The path-way to prayer and pietie containing, 1. An exposition of the Lords prayer ... 2. A preparation to the Lords Supper ... 3. A direction to a Christian life ... 4. An instruction to die well, and I.S. his elegie upon the death of that worthy matron, Mistris M.H. : with divers consolations, prayers, and thanksgivings fit for this treatise / | 2 |
BV230 .H66 1698 | An exposition on the Lord's Prayer with a catechistical explication thereof, by way of question and answer, for the instructing of youth : to which are added, some sermons on providence, and the excellent advantages of reading and studying the holy scriptures / | 1 |
An exposition vpon the Lords Prayer, compared with the Decalogue as it was preached in a sermon, at Oatelands: before the most noble, Henry Prince of Wales. Aug. 13. Anno 1603. VVith a postscript, to advertise of an error in all those that leaue out the conclusion of the Lords Prayer. Also, the Creed is annexed, vvith a short and plaine explication of the article, commonly called: He descended to hell. / Meditations and disquisitions upon the Lords prayer A practical exposition of the Lord's-Prayer The poor man's help being, I. An abridgement of Bishop Pearson on the Creed; shewing what he is to believe. II. A short exposition of the Lord's Prayer, directing him what to beg of God. III. The Ten Commandments explain'd; teaching him his duty both to God and man. With some additional helps for his private devotion. A brief exposition of the Lord's prayer and the Decalogue to which is added the doctrine of the sacraments / An exposition of the Lords Prayer made in diuers lectures, and now drawne into questions and answers for the greater benefite of the simpler sort: whereunto is prefixed a briefe treatise of prayer for all men. Published at the request of diuers godly and well disposed / An exposition of the Lords praier in the way of catechisme / Scala cœli Nineteen sermons concerning prayer. The first sixe guiding to the true doore: the residue teaching how so to knocke thereat that wee may enter. The former part containing a preparation to prayer, the latter an exposition vpon the seuerall petitions of the Lords prayer. An exercitation concerning the frequent use of our Lords Prayer in the publick worship of God and a view of what hath been said by Mr. Owen concerning that subject / A guide to goe to God, or, An explanation of the perfect patterne of prayer, the Lords prayer. By William Gouge, B. in D. and minister of Gods Word in Black-Friers London Pater noster, Our Father, or, The Lord's prayer explained the sense thereof and duties therein from Scripture, history, and fathers, methodically cleared and succinctly opened at Edinburgh / A sermon of S. Cyprian made on the Lordes prayer that is to wytte, the Paternoster. A meditacion vpo[n] the the [sic] lordes praier |
13 |
BV230 .J39 1990 | The pilgrimage of prayer : the texts and iconography of the Exercitium super Pater noster / | 1 |
BV230 .K57 | When you pray : an analysis of the Our Father. | 1 |