Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV260 .G63 1576 A godly garden out of the which most comfortable herbes may be gathered for the health of the wounded conscience of al penitent sinners. 1
BV260 (INTERNET) A perfect pathway to felicitie conteining godly meditations and praiers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians.
The practise of the faithfull containing many godly praiers both of morning and euening and other necessarie occasions. Whereunto are added diuers profitable and comfortable meditations necessarie to be remembered and practised of euery Christian.
Foure birds of Noahs arke viz. 1. The dove. 2. The eagle. 3. The pellican. 4. The phoenix.
Jacobs ladder, or, The devout souls ascention to Heaven, in prayers, thanksgivings, and praises in four parts ... : with graces and thanksgivings : illustrated with sculptures /
The pomaunder of prayer
The enimie of securitie, or, A dailie exercise of godly meditations drawne out of the pure fountaines of the holie Scriptures, and published for the profite of al persons of any state or calling, in the German and Latine tonges /
The key of knovvledge contayning sundry godly prayers and meditations, very necessary to occupy the mindes of well disposed persons.
Certaine godly and deuout prayers
Private forms of prayer, fitted for the late sad-times particularly, A form of prayer for the thirtieth of January, morning and evening. : With additions, &c.
A newe pathway vnto praier ful of much godly frute and christe[n] knowledge /
BV260 .J65 The prayers of Doctor Samuel Johnson / 1
BV260 .K5 The prayers of Kierkegaard / 1
BV260 .K54 A new book containing sundry set-forms of [p]rayers, thanksgivings and graces [c]omposed chiefly for the benefit of children and youth : [bu]t may be useful to all such as are destitute of better helps, to further them in their godly practices. 1
BV260 .L36 1615 The daily exercise of a Christian gathered and collected out of the Holy Scriptures : very profitable and necessarie for all estates, whereby they may auoyde the snares and temptations of the Diuell. 1
BV260 .L36 1623 The daily exercise of a Christian; gathered and collected out of the Holy Scriptures, very profitable and necessary for all estates; whereby they may auiode the snares & temptations of the diuell. 1
BV260 .O613 Your word is near : contemporary Christian prayers / 1
BV260 .S67 Supplications of saints. A book of prayers and praises, in four parts. : 1. Daniel's devotion. 2. Paul's assembly. 3. Davids suit. 4. Moses song. 1. Thrice every day. 2. Companies. 3. Every one alone. 4. Praises & graces : Wherein are three most excellent prayers, made by the late famous Queen Elizabeth. 1
BV260 .S67 1616 Supplications of saints a booke of prayers and prayses, in foure parts : I. Daniel's deuotion 2. Pauls assembly 3. Davids suite 4. Moses song [brace] praiers for [brace] I. Thrice euery day 2. Companies 3. Euery one alone 4. Praises and graces : wherein are three most excellent prayers, made by the late famous Queene Elizabeth / 1
BV260 .S67 1631 Supplications of saints. A booke of prayers and prayses. In foure parts ... Wherein are three most excellent prayers made by the late famous Queene Elizabeth. / 1
BV260 .S67 1638 Supplications of saints. A booke of prayers and prayses. In foure parts. I Daniels deuotio[n]. 2 Pauls assembly. 3 Dauids suite. [4] Moses song. [brace] prayers for [brace] I Thrice euery day. 2 Companies. 3 Euery one alone. 4 Praises & graces : wherein are three most excellent prayers, made by the late famous Queene Elizabeth ... / 1
BV260 .S67 1639 Supplications of saints a booke of prayers and prayses, in foure parts : I. Daniels deuotio[n] 2. Pauls assembly 3. Dauids suite 4. Moses song [brace] prayers for [brace] I. Thrice euery day 2. Companies 3. Euery one alone 4. Praises & grac[es] : wherein are three most excellent prayers, made by the late famous Queene Elizabeth ... / 1
BV260 .S78 A perfect pathway to felicitie conteining godly meditations and praiers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians. 1
BV260 .T48 1566 This boke is called the treasure of gladnesse, and seemeth by the copie, being a very little manuell, and written in velam, to be made aboue. CC. yeares past at the least, whereby it appeareth howe God in olde time, and not of late onely, hath bene truely confessed and honoured. The coppy hereof is for the antiquitie of it, preserued, and to be seene in the Printers Hall. Set forth and allowed according to the Queenes iniunctions. And first imprinted. anno. 1563. 1
BV260 .T89 [The garlande of godlie flowers, (commonly called Twynes praiers)] 1
BV260 .T89 1580 The garlande of godlie flowers, (commonly called Twynes praiers) carefully collected, and bewtifully adorned with the most fragrant blossoms that flourish in the comfortable gardein of the right pure and sacred Scriptures : yeelding foorth a verie comfortable fauour to the afflicted soule, whereby he is safely transported to the mercifull throne of God, there to gaine forgiuenes of his offences. 1
BV260 .V35 1640 Private devotions, digested into six letanies. I. Of confession. II. Of deprecation. III. Of supplication. IV. Of thanksgiving. V. Of intercession. VI. For the sick. With directions and prayers for the [brace] Lords day. Sacrament. day of [brace] death. judgment. And two daily prayers, [brace] one for the morning, another for the evening. 1
BV260 .W48 1697 A compendium of devotion, containing a treatise of prayer and thanksgiving with morning and evening prayers for every day in the week, &c. Also a sermon of drawing nigh to God by the late Reverend B. Whitchcot, D.D. 1
BV260 .W5 1882 Sacra privata : the private meditations, devotions, and prayers, of the Right Rev. T. Wilson, D.D. 1