Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV265 .T54 1989 | A child's prayer / | 1 |
BV265 .T88 1672 | Two prayers to be taught unto children at school; which also may be used in families, the singular number being turned into the plurall. Together with a form of blessing God, before, and after, meat. | 1 |
BV265 .V56 1958 | Bless this day : a book of prayer for children / | 1 |
BV268 .P4 | Devocionario de mis nietos : obra póstuma e inédita / | 1 |
BV270 .A53 |
A manuall of directions for the visitation of the sicke, with sweete meditations and prayers to be used in time of sicknesse whereunto is added a short confession of the faith, with a forme of thankesgiving, and prayers for morning and evening / A manual of directions for the sick with many sweet meditations and devotions of the Right Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrews ... : to which are added prayers for the morning, evening, and H. Communion / |
3 |
BV270 .B69 | [The balme of Gilead prepared for the sicke] [The whole is diuided into three partes: 1. The sicke mans sore. 2. The sicke mans salue. 3. The sicke mans song. / | 1 |
BV270 .B87 | This lytell boke contaynethe certayne gostly medycynes necessary to be vsed among wel disposed people to eschewe & to auoyde the comen plage of pestilens | 1 |
BV270 .I6 | In the time of Gods visitation by sicknesse or mortality especially may be used by governours of families. | 1 |
The balme of Gilead prepared for the sicke The whole is diuided into three partes : 1. The sicke mans sore. 2. The sicke mans salue. 3. The sicke mans song / A manual of directions for the sick with many sweet meditations and devotions of the R. Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrews, late L. Bishop of Winchester : to which are added praiers for the morning, evening and H. communion / A manuall of directions for the visitation of the sicke, with sweete meditations and prayers to be used in time of sicknesse whereunto is added a short confession of the faith, with a forme of thankesgiving, and prayers for morning and evening / |
3 |
BV270 .N48 | A Nevve boke conteyninge an exortacio[n] to the sicke, the sycke mans prayer, a prayer with thankes at ye purificatio[n] of wome[n], a consolatio[n] at buriall | 1 |
BV270 .R53 | Rheol o gyfarwyddyd iw harfer wrth ymweled ar clâf. | 1 |
BV270 ebook | La oración, medicina del alma y del cuerpo | 1 |
BV273 (INTERNET) | A collection of prayers and thanksgivings, used in His Majesties chappel, and in his armies Vpon occasion of the late victories against the rebells, and for the future successe of the forces. / | 1 |
BV273 .S54 | A salve for every sore, or, A collection of promises out of the whole Book of God and is the Christian centurions infallible ground of conscience, or his poore soules most assured comfortable companion at all times and in all things ... / | 2 |
BV275 .F53 | The penitent prisoner his character, carriage upon his commitment, letany, proper prayers, serious meditations, sighs, occasional ejaculations, devotion going to execution, and at the place of execution / | 2 |
BV275 (INTERNET) | An office for prisoners for crimes, together with another for prisoners for debt containing both proper directions, and proper prayers and devotions, for each of their needs and circumstances / | 1 |
BV275 .K47 | An office for prisoners for crimes, together with another for prisoners for debt containing both proper directions, and proper prayers and devotions, for each of their needs and circumstances / | 2 |
BV275 .Z42 | A Zealous prayer to God, vsed and said euery day by the poore prisoners of the Marshalsey, for all their good benefactors | 1 |
BV280 .M77 2020 | When Rabbis Bless Congress : the Great American Story of Jewish Prayers on Capitol Hill / | 1 |
BV283.C5 E34 1995 | Guide my feet : prayers and meditations on loving and working for children / | 1 |