Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV265 .F5 1944 Prayer for a child / 1
BV265 .H66 1961 Now I lay me down to wonder / 1
BV265 .L57 1875 Little Johnnie's prayers. 1
BV265 .P563 2011 Sacred places in modern western culture / 1
BV265 .P74 1992 Prayers, praises, and thanksgivings / 2
BV265 .P75 1942 Prayers for children / 1
BV265 .P75 1942b Prayers for children / 1
BV265 .R39 1941 A child's book of prayers / 1
BV265 .S35 1921 Little prayers for little lips / 1
BV265 .T54 1989 A child's prayer / 1
BV265 .T88 1672 Two prayers to be taught unto children at school; which also may be used in families, the singular number being turned into the plurall. Together with a form of blessing God, before, and after, meat. 1
BV265 .V56 1958 Bless this day : a book of prayer for children / 1
BV268 .P4 Devocionario de mis nietos : obra póstuma e inédita / 1
BV270 .A53 A manuall of directions for the visitation of the sicke, with sweete meditations and prayers to be used in time of sicknesse whereunto is added a short confession of the faith, with a forme of thankesgiving, and prayers for morning and evening /
A manual of directions for the sick with many sweet meditations and devotions of the Right Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrews ... : to which are added prayers for the morning, evening, and H. Communion /
BV270 .B69 [The balme of Gilead prepared for the sicke] [The whole is diuided into three partes: 1. The sicke mans sore. 2. The sicke mans salue. 3. The sicke mans song. / 1
BV270 .B87 This lytell boke contaynethe certayne gostly medycynes necessary to be vsed among wel disposed people to eschewe & to auoyde the comen plage of pestilens 1
BV270 .I6 In the time of Gods visitation by sicknesse or mortality especially may be used by governours of families. 1
BV270 (INTERNET) The balme of Gilead prepared for the sicke The whole is diuided into three partes : 1. The sicke mans sore. 2. The sicke mans salue. 3. The sicke mans song /
A manual of directions for the sick with many sweet meditations and devotions of the R. Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrews, late L. Bishop of Winchester : to which are added praiers for the morning, evening and H. communion /
A manuall of directions for the visitation of the sicke, with sweete meditations and prayers to be used in time of sicknesse whereunto is added a short confession of the faith, with a forme of thankesgiving, and prayers for morning and evening /
BV270 .N48 A Nevve boke conteyninge an exortacio[n] to the sicke, the sycke mans prayer, a prayer with thankes at ye purificatio[n] of wome[n], a consolatio[n] at buriall 1
BV270 .R53 Rheol o gyfarwyddyd iw harfer wrth ymweled ar clâf. 1