Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV353 .S68 2005 Let it shine : three favorite spirituals / 1
BV355 .E53 1578 Ane co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie psalmes and spirit[uall sangis] 1
BV355.G3 B6 1884 Hymns from the land of Luther / 1
BV355 (INTERNET) Ane co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie psalmes and spirit[uall sangis] 1
BV360.A1 H53 1982 History of American Catholic hymnals : survey and background / 1
BV360 .S7 1935 St. Basil's hymnal : an extensive collection of English and Latin hymns for church, school and home, arranged for feasts and seasons of the ecclesiastical year ; Gregorian masses, vespers, motets for benediction, litanies, etc. / 1
BV363 .B37 A regulation for seamen wherein a method is humbly proposed : whereby their majesties fleet may at all times be speedily and effectually mann'd and the merchants be more readily and cheaper serv'd, without having their men at any time press'd or taken away ... / 2
BV370 .C3 1700 Three hymns, or spiritual songs. For the behove of all devout Christians for morning, evening, and at midnight, / 1
BV370 .C64 The divine services and anthems usually sung in His Majesties chappell and in all cathedrals and collegiate choires in England and Ireland / 1
BV370 .C65 1694 A collection of divine hymns, upon several occasions; suited to our common tunes, for the use of devout Christians, in singing forth the praises of God. 1
BV370 .E53 1623 An abstract of His Maiesties royall priuiledge, graunted vnder the great seale of England, to George VVither, master of arts, concerning his booke intituled, The hymnes and songs of the church 1
BV370 .H46 Family-hymns gather'd (mostly) out of the best translations of David's psalms. 2
BV370 (INTERNET) Family-hymns gather'd (mostly) out of the best translations of David's psalms. 1
BV370 .K46 1700 Three hymns, 1
BV370 .M38 1691 Spiritual songs, or, Songs of praise to Almighty God upon several occasions. Together with the Song of Songs. Which is Solomons. : First turn'd, then paraphrased in English verse. 1
BV370 .S4 1698 Select hymns each fitted to two tunes, to be sung in churches. 1
BV370 .V5 1689 Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. In two parts. / 1
BV370 .W57 1623 The hymnes and songs of the church diuided into two parts : the first part comprehends the canonicall hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient songs and creeds : the second part consists of spirituall songs, appropriated to the seuerall times and occasions, obseruable in the Church of England / 3
BV372 .H95 1827 Hymns of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : set forth in general conventions of said church in the years of our Lord 1789, 1808, and 1826. 1
BV380.A1 B6 Some Baptist hymnists from the seventeenth century to modern times / 1