Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4000 .J6 The Journal of pastoral care. 1
BV4002 .D24 2013eb Dar razón de la esperanza hoy. 1
BV4002 R454 2013eb Revitalizar las comunidades cristianas hoy. 1
BV4002 eBook Interpretar las escrituras : actas del coloquio pastoral "Dei Verbum" / 1
BV4006.A433 K54 2022 Pastoral care and community in late medieval Germany : Albert of Diessen's Mirror of priests / 2
BV4006 .B76 1987 Pastor and laity in the theology of Jean Gerson / 1
BV4006 .B76 1987eb Pastor and laity in the theology of Jean Gerson / 1
BV4006 .C36 2018eb The landscape of pastoral care in thirteenth-century England / 1
BV4006 .H64 1983 A history of pastoral care in America : from salvation to self-realization / 2
BV4006 .K37 Luther's pastors : the reformation in the Ernestine countryside / 2
BV4006 .L5 1962 Amt und Ordination bei Luther und Melanchthon. 1
BV4006 .S3413 1985 The church with a human face : a new and expanded theology of ministry / 2
BV4006 .S4 2023 Pastoral care through letters in the British Atlantic / 1
BV4006 .T49 2009eb Texts and traditions of medieval pastoral care : essays in honour of Bella Millett / 1
BV4009 Liber Theodoli cum commento nouiter Londoniis impressus. 1
BV4009 .B37 A true discovery of the ministry of the Gospell, or, Those gifts which Christ gave at his Ascension, Ephes. 4. 8, II with their qualification, ordination, continuation, work, and maintainance according to that royall commission of King Jesus, Matth. 28, 19, 20, whereby may be cleerly seen the great difference between the ministers or servants of the churches of Jesu Christ and the ministers or rather masters of the churches of Antichrist ... / 2
BV4009 .B68 De pastore euangelico tractatus in quo universum munus pastorale tam quoad pastoris vocationem & præparationem quàm ipsius muneris exercitium accuratè proponitur /
De pastore evangelico tractatus in quo universum munus pastorale tam quoad pastoris vocationem & praeparationem quàm ipsius muneris exercitium accuratè proponitur /
BV4009 .B87 A discourse of the pastoral care 2
BV4009 .C53 1696 A discourse made by the Ld Bishop of Rochester to the clergy of his diocese at his visitation in the year 1695 : published at their request. 1
BV4009 .D63 1691 Two letters of advice I. for the susception of holy orders, II. for studies theological, especially such as are rational : at the end of the former is inserted a catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries / 2