Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4209 .R4713 2003 Preaching the Reformation : the homiletical handbook of Urbanus Rhegius / 1
BV4209 .R4713 2003eb Preaching the Reformation : the homiletical handbook of Urbanus Rhegius / 2
BV4209.V35 2015 Augustini Valerii De Rhetorica Ecclesiastica libri III. 1
BV4209 ebook RetoĢrica cristiana / 1
BV4210 A letter to a young divine containing some brief directions for composing and delivering of sermons 1
BV4210 .A52 Gods proclamation to the inhabitants and people of England 2
BV4210 .B74 1631 The preachers charge, and peoples duty about preaching and hearing of the Word : opened in a sermon, being the first fruits of a publike exercise, begun in the parish church of Lownd, for the benefit of the island of Louingland in Suffolke / 1
BV4210 .B79 Dwelling with God, the interest and duty of believers in opposition to the complemental, heartless, and reserved religion of the hypocrite / 2
BV4210 .H913 The practis of preaching, otherwise called The pathway to the pulpet: conteyning an excellent method how to frame diuine sermons, & to interpret the holy Scriptures according to the capacitie of the vulgar people. / 1
BV4210 (INTERNET) The preaching bishop reproving unpreaching prelates Being a brief, but faithful collection of observeable passages, in several sermons /
Dwelling with God, the interest and duty of believers in opposition to the complemental, heartless, and reserved religion of the hypocrite /
Spiritual refining:, or, A treatise of grace and assurance Wherein are handled, the doctrine of assurance. The use of signs in self-examination. How true graces may be distinguished from counterfeit. Several true signs of grace, and many false ones. The nature of grace under divers Scripture notions or titles, as regeneration, the new-creature, the heart of flesh, vocation, sanctification, &c. Many chief questions (occasionally) controverted between the orthodox and the Arminians. As also many cases of conscience. Tending to comfort and confirm saints. Undeceive and convert sinners. /
Ecclesiastes, or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching as it fals under the rules of art shewing the most proper rules and directions, for method, invention, books, expression, whereby a minister may be furnished with such abilities as may make him a workman that needs not to be ashamed : very seasonable for these times, wherein the harvest is great, and the skilful labourers but few /
The preachers charge, and peoples duty about preaching and hearing of the Word : opened in a sermon, being the first fruits of a publike exercise, begun in the parish church of Lownd, for the benefit of the island of Louingland in Suffolke /
The arte of prophecying, or, A treatise concerning the sacred and onely true manner and methode of preaching
BV4210 .P47 Prophetica, sive, De sacra et vnica ratione concionandi tractatus 1
BV4210 .P47 1592 Prophetica, sive, De sacra et unica ratione concionandi tractatus 1
BV4210 .P47 1607 The arte of prophecying, or, A treatise concerning the sacred and onely true manner and methode of preaching 1
BV4210 .P705 The pulpit incendiary or, The divinity and devotion of Mr. Calamy, Mr. Case, Mr. Cauton, Mr. Cranford, and other Sion-colledge preachers in their morning-exercises, with the keen and angry application thereof unto the Parliament and army. Together with a true vindication of the Covenant from the false glosses put upon it, and a plain indication of covenant-breakers. 1
BV4210 .S46 Rex theologus the preachers guard and guide in his double duty of prayer and preaching : deduced from scripture, reason, and the best examples : in three parts ..
Rex theologus the preachers guard and guide in his double duty of prayer and preaching : deduced from scripture, reason, and the best examples : in three parts.
BV4210 .W55 1693 Ecclesiastes: or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching, as it falls under the rules of art. / 1
BV4210 .W68 1659 Ecclesiastes, or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching, as it falls under the rules of art shewing the most proper rules and directions, for method, invention, books, expression, whereby a minister may be furnished with such abilities as may make him a workman that needs not to be ashamed : very seasonable for these times, wherein the harvest is great, and the skilful labourers but few / 1
BV4210.W75 F5 1656a Five sermons, in five several styles ; or Waies of preaching : the [brace] first in Bp Andrews his way ; before the late King upon the first day of Lent. Second in Bp Hall's way ; before the clergie at the author's own ordination in Christ-Church, Oxford. Third in Dr Maine's and Mr Cartwright's way ; before the Universitie at St Maries, Oxford. Fourth in the Presbyterian way ; before the citie at Saint Paul's London. Fifth in the Independent way ; never preached. With an epistle rendring an account of the author's designe in printing these his sermons, as also of the sermons themselves / 1
BV4210 .Y68 The proof of a good preacher The right of art of hearing. That good counsell, is seldom well taken. That wilfull offenders, are as witless as wicked. With an apologie for wholesome truth, how distastful soever / 1
BV4211 .B403 Yale lectures on preaching 1