Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4211.3 .K56 2015eb Of seeds and the people of God : preaching as parable, crucifixion, and testimony / 1
BV4211.3 .L68 2011eb Sustaining preachers and preaching / 1
BV4211.3 P334 2018 Preaching by the Book : Developing and Delivering Text-Driven Sermons. 1
BV4211.3 P743 2019 Preaching Promise withing the paradoxes of life / 1
BV4211.3 .R43 2016 A reader on preaching : making connections / 1
BV4211.3 .S76 2015eb The challenge of preaching / 1
BV4211.3 ebook Servidores de la Palabra : mensaje cristiano y mundo de hoy / 1
BV4213 .A78 1685 L'art d'entendre prescher 1
BV4213 .D43 1700 De la meilleure manière de prêcher / 1
BV4213 .V53 1866 Homiletics, or, The theory of preaching / 1
BV4214 .L67 2008 Dass die Sprache stimmt : eine homiletische Rezeption der dichtungstheoretischen Reflexionen von Hilde Domin / 1
BV4214 .T473 The trouble with the church : a call for renewal / 1
BV4217 .E8 Modo de predicar y Modus concionandi : estudio doctrinal y edición crítica / 1
BV4217 .O28 1781 Práctica del púlpito para instrucción de un principiante manifestada según el estado presente de la oratoria en los tres discursos, panagérico, moral y doctrinal : con una disertación preliminar sobre toda la obra y su inteligencia / 1
BV4219.H8 K5 Istenért, egyházért, hazáért : a "hit szava" rádióprogramm elmélkedései New York, 1953-54. 1
BV4221 Die lewende stem van die evangelie : nuut gedink oor die basiese beginsels van prediking /
Rethinking celebration : From Rhetoric to Praise in African American Preaching /
Exodus preaching : crafting sermons about justice and hope /
BV4221 .D38 1985 I got the word in me and I can sing it, you know : a study of the performed African-American sermon / 1
BV4221 .D5 Direction concerning preachers 1
BV4221 .S64 1988 Sacred symphony : the chanted sermon of the Black preacher / 1
BV4221 .T45 1998 Telling the truth : preaching about sexual and domestic violence / 1