Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4224 .T66 2010 Le tonnerre des exemples : Exempla et médiation culturelle dans l'Occident médiéval / 1
BV4224 .W44 1973 L'exemplum dans la littérature religieuse et didactique du Moyen âge / 1
BV4225 .J32 Side-lights on Scripture texts / 1
BV4225 .L412 1947 Chong bai shi yong gu shi ji / 1
BV4225.2 .E94 1991 Exempel und Exempelsammlungen / 1
BV4225.2 .P35 1998 Las éticas del exemplum : los Castigos del Rey don Sancho IV, El condo Lucanor y el Libro de buen amor / 1
BV4225.3 D473 2016 Departe de Dios y delante de Dios Una Gua̕ Ter̤ica Y Prc̀tica Para Predicar Expositv̕amente. 1
BV4235.A45 1671 The life and death of that excellent minister of Christ Mr. Joseph Alleine, late teacher of the Church of Taunton in Somerset-Shire, assistant to Mr. Newton 1
BV4235.E8 W3 1824 Hints on extemporaneous preaching 1
BV4235.F44 H83 1999 Saved from silence : finding women's voice in preaching / 2
BV4235.F44 S63 1989 Weaving the sermon : preaching in a feminist perspective / 1
BV4235 .H355 2017 "... dass nur öffentlich predige, wer gesandt ist." Kanonistische Nachfragen und Perspektiven zum Verbot der "Laienpredigt" 1
BV4235.H94 T76 2010 Wonder reborn : creating sermons on hymns, music, and poetry / 1
BV4235.L3 H34 1651 The pulpit guarded with XX arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness, and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching and expounding the scriptures without a call, as being contrary to the Word of God, contrary to the practice of all reformed churches, contrary to the three and twentieth article of religion, contrary to two ordinances of Parliament, and contrary to the judgement of a whole jury of learned, judicious, pious divines, both forraign and domestick : occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20, 1650, against [brace] Lawrence Williams, a nailer-publike-preacher, Tho. Palmer, a baker-preacher, Tho. Hinck, a plough-wright-publike-preacher, Sergeant Oakes, a weaver-preacher, Hum. Rogers, (lately) a bakers boy-publike-preacher ... /
The pulpit guarded with XX arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness, and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching and expounding the scriptures without a call, as being contrary to the Word of God, contrary to the practice of all reformed churches, contrary to the three and twentieth article of religion, contrary to two ordinances of Parliament, and contrary to the judgement of a whole jury of learned, judicious, pious divines, both forraign and domestick : occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20, 1650, against [brace] Lawrence Williams, a nailer-publike-preacher, Tho. Palmer, a baker-preacher, Tho. Hinck, a plough-wright-publike-preacher, Sergeant Oakes, a weaver-preacher, Hum. Rogers, (lately) a bakers boy-publike-preacher ... /
BV4235.L3 (INTERNET) The pulpit guarded with XVII arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching, and expounding the Scriptures without a call ... : occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20, 1650 ... : in the close are added six arguments, to prove our ministers free from antichristianism /
An apologie for lay-mens writing in divinity with a short meditation upon the fall of Lucifer /
BV4235.L3 W67 1646 Private-men no pulpit-men. or, A modest examination of lay-mens preaching. Discovering it to be neither warranted by the word of God; nor allowed by the judgement o[r] practise of the churches of Christ in New-England. / 1
BV4235.L43 The Sunday Word : a Commentary on the Sunday Readings. 1
BV4235.L43 T563 1932 Über die Orientierung von Philanthus Triangulum Fabr / 1
BV4235.P7 T46 2018 How to preach a dangerous sermon : preaching and moral imagination / 1
BV4235.S6 C45 2000 Preaching justice : the ethical vocation of Word and Sacrament ministry / 1