Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4253 .W492 1985 The best merchandise, or, A clear discovery of the evident difference, and admirable advantage, between our traffic with God, for the true treasure, and with men, for temporal commodity : a sermon / 1
BV4253 .W493 1983 Jacob's staff to bear up, the faithful and to beat down, the profane : three sermons on this subject / 1
BV4253 .W493 1983, 1st Jacob's staff to bear up, the faithful and to beat down, the profane : three sermons on this subject / 1
BV4253 .W493 1983, 2nd-3rd Jacob's staff to bear up, the faithful and to beat down, the profane : second and third of three sermons on this subject / 1
BV4253 .W493 1983b Jacob's staff to bear up, the faithful and to beat down, the profane : second and third of three sermons on this subject / 1
BV4253 .W55 1651 Six sermons: 1. Of Christian charity, preached before the judges of assize at Bury S. Edmonds. 2. Of true felicity, at S. Peters in the City of Norwich. 3. Of the vvorlds vanity, and soules excellency, at S. Pauls, London. 4. Of an humble conversion, and an holy conversation, at Great Bealings, Suff. 5.&6. Of S. Pauls concrucifixion, at Hoxne, Suff. / 1
BV4253 .W55 1691 The danger of taking God's name in vain. As it was delivered in a sermon /
The barren fig trees doom. or, A brief discourse wherein is set forth the woful danger of all who abide unfruitful under Gospel priviledges, and Gods husbandry. Being the substance of sixteen sermons preached on Christ's parable of the fig tree. /
BV4253 .W56 1669 Two sermons preached at the assizes holden for the county of Norfolk the first at Thetford, the other at Norwich / 1
BV4253 .W66 1696 The Lord our righteousness. Opened and apply'd in several sermons on Jer. XIII. 6. / 1
BV4253 .W67 1630 The Christians mourning garment. 1
BV4254.F7 B69 1981 Nine verse sermons by Nicholas Bozon : the art of an Anglo-Norman poet and preacher / 1
BV4254.F7 R46 1700 Le vray, et le faux jubilé, en deux sermons sur ces paroles du XXV du Levitique Vers. XII ; cette année est le jubilé, elle vous sera sainte ; prêchez à Londres dans l'Eglise Angloise & Paroissiale de Sainte Benet-Sinck proche la bourse & dans une annexe de S. Martin in the Fields / 1
BV4254.F7 V5 1929 Discours sur quelques sujets religieux / 1
BV4254.F7 V53 1946 Études et méditations évangéliques. : Texte composé, rev. et définitivement arrêté d'après les manuscrits originaux et précédé d'une préf / 1
BV4254.F7 V55 1938 Nouveaux discours sur quelques sujets religieux / 1
BV4254.G3 G6 Der Knecht macht keinen Lärm. : Dreissig Predigten. 1
BV4254.G3 P912 1995 Predigten der Barockzeit : Texte und Kommentar / 1
BV4254.G3 .V473 2016eb Vera mundi lumina : Výbor dominikánských barokních kázání 1
BV4254.G7 A8 Homilies I-XIV / 1
BV4254.G7 A8 1970 Homilies I-XIV / 1