Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4259 .A 1675 A testimony of antiquity: shewing the ancient faith of the Church of England, touching the sacrament of the body and blood of the Lord, here publickly preached, and also received in the Saxons time, above seven hundred years agoe. / 1
BV4259 .H6 Homélies pascales / 1
BV4259 (INTERNET) A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, on Easter-Day, 1693
A sermon upon the resurrection preached before the Right Honourable Sir Edward Clark, Lord-Mayor, the Aldermen, and Governors of the several hospitals of the city, at St. Bridget's Church, on Easter-Monday, April 5, 1697 : being one of the anniversary spittal-sermons /
BV4259 .M37 A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London at Guild-Hall Chappel, on Easter-day, 1689 / 2
BV4259 .Y68 A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, on Easter-Day, 1693 2
BV4260 .C53 1869i The province of law in distinction from that of truth a sermon delivered before the executive and legislative departments of the government of Massachusetts, at the annual election, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1869 / 1
BV4260.C8 E43 1983 Election day sermons : Plymouth and Connecticut. 1
BV4260 .C9 1674 An holy connexion, or, A true agreement between Jehovahs being a wall of fire to his people and the glory in the midst thereof or a word in season to stir up to a solemn acknowledgement of the gracious protection of God over his people, and especially to a holy care that the presence of God may yet be continued with us : as it was delivered in a sermon preached at Hartford on Conecticut in N.E. May 14, 1674, being the day of election there /
An holy connexion, or, A true agreement between Jehovahs being a wall of fire to his people and the glory in the midst thereof or a word in season to stir up to a solemn acknowledgement of the gracious protection of God over his people, and especially to a holy care that the presence of God may yet be continued with us : as it was delivered in a sermon preached at Hartford on Connecticut in N.E. May 14, 1674, being the day of election there /
BV4260 .C9 1790 The wisdom and duty of magistrates : a sermon, preached at the general election, May 10th, 1804 / 1
BV4260 .C9 1801 The dignity of man, especially as displayed in civil government. : A sermon, preached on the general election at Hartford, in Connecticut, May 14, 1801 / 1
BV4260.C9 H66 Righteousness rained from heaven, or, A serious and seasonable discourse exciting all to an earnest enquiry after and continued waiting for the effusions of the spirit unto a communication and increase of righteousness, that faith, holiness, and obedience may yet abound among us, and the wilderness become a fruitful field / 2
BV4260.M4 Wall and the Garden : Selected Massachusetts Election Sermons, 1670-1775. 2
BV4260.M4 E43 1984 Election Day sermons, Massachusetts. 1
BV4260.M5 1670 New-Englands true interest not to lie, or, A treatise declaring from the word of truth the terms on which we stand, and the tenure by which we hold our hitherto-continued precious and pleasant things shewing what the blessing God expecteth from his people, and what they may rationally look for from him / 2
BV4260 .M5 1673 New England freemen warned and warmed to be free indeed, having an eye to God in their elections 2
BV4260 .M5 1682 The possibility of God's forsaking a people, that have been visibly near & dear to him together with the misery of a people thus forsaken, set forth in a sermon preached at Weathersfield, Nov. 21. 1678. Being a day of fast and humiliation. / 1
BV4260 .M5 1683 A plea for the life of dying religion from the word of the Lord in a sermon preached to the General Assembly of the colony of the Massachusets at Boston in New-England, May 16, 1683, being the day of the election there / 2
BV4260 .M5 1690 The serviceable man a discourse made unto the General Court of the Massachusets Colony, New-England, at the anniversary election, 28d. 3m. 1690 /
The serviceable man : a discourse made unto the General Court of the Massachusetts Colony, New-England, at the anniversary election, 28 d. 3 m. 1690 /
BV4260 .M5 1694 Old men's tears for their own declensions, mixed with fears of their and posterities further falling off from New-England's primitive constitution 1
BV4260.M5 1694 [The character] of a good ruler as it was recommended in a sermon [preached before] His Excellency the Governour, and the honoura[ble] counsellors, and assembly of the representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New-England : [on] May 30. 1694 : [which was the day] for election of [counsellors] for that province / 2