Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4275 .F68 Gods esteem of the death of his saints, or, A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Matthew Friday-street at the funeral of the truely virtuous and religious gentlewoman Mris. Ann Smith, daughter of Mr. William Wase, Gentleman in Windsor, and late wife of Mr. John Smith citizen and salter of London : January the 22th M. DC. LVI / 2
BV4275 .F73 The divine original and the supreme dignity of kings, no defensative against death. A sermon preached the 22. February 1684/5 S.V. before the right worshipful the fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England, resideing [sic] at Dort, upon occasion of the decease of our late Most Gracious Soveraign Charles II, of ever blessed memorie. / 1
BV4275 .G52 A funeral sermon preached at Newport-Pagnell, April 11, 1697 on the occasion of the sudden death of William Maxwell, a pious and hopeful young scholar belonging to Harvard-Colledge, in Cambridge, New-England. 2
BV4275 .G66 1700 A sermon on occasion of the death of the reverend and learned Mr. Stephen Lobb, who dyed June 3, 1699 2
BV4275 .G68 The mourning swain a funeral eclogue [sic] humbly offer'd to the memory of the Right Honourable James Earl of Abingdon / 2
BV4275 .H36 1661 [Mataiobrachytēs tou biou] The brevity and vanity of man's life : discovered in a sermon preached at the funerals of Mrs. Ellen Hartcourt, youngest daughter to the virtuous and excellent Lady Cony of Stoke in Lincolnshire, who was interr'd in Saint Andrews-Holborn-Church, March 23, 1661, being married that day five weeks before / 1
BV4275 .H37 Divinity in mortality, or, The Gospels excellency and the preachers frailty represented in a sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Richard Goddard, late minister of the parish of St. Gregories by Pauls, who died on Thursday the 12th of May 1653, and was buried on Monday the 16th day of the same moneth /
Old Jacobs accompt cast up and owned by one of his seed, a young lady &c., or, A sermon preached at Laurance Jury, Feb. 13, 1654 at the funerall of the honorable and most virtuous lady Susanna Reynolds wife to the Honorable Commiss. Gen. Reynolds /
A divine prospective representing the just mans peacefull end : in a funerall sermon preached at Katherine Creechurch, Aug. 14, 1649, at the enterment of the remaines of the Right Worshipful and truly religious, Sir John Gayr, Knight : deceased July 20, 1649 /
A sad prognostick of approaching judgment, or, The happy misery of good men in bad times set forth in a sermon preached at St. Gregories, June the 13th, 1658 /
BV4275 .H54 A sermon preached at the funeral of the Right Honourable Robert Earl and Viscount Yarmouth, Baron of Paston and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk 2
BV4275 .H62 Inaccessible glory, or, The impossibility of seeing Gods face whilst we are in the body delivered in a sermon preached at the funeral of ... Sir Theodore de-Mayerne, in the parish church of St. Martins in the Feilds [sic] on Friday the 30 of March, 1655 / 1
BV4275 .H64 Two sermons preach'd at the funerals of the Right Honourable Robert Lord Lexington and the Lady Mary his wife 2
BV4275 .H68 A funeral sermon for that faithful and laborious servant of Christ Mr. Richard Fairclough (who deceased July 4, 1682 in the sixty first year of his age) 2
BV4275 .H69 A funeral sermon on the decease of that worthy gentlewoman Mrs. Margaret Baxter, who died the 28th of June, 1681 2
BV4275 .H86 The bow of Jonathan with the flower de Luce in a funeral lamentation committed to the men of Judah : parallelled and applyed to that worthy his compeere Robert Lucy of Charlcote in the county of Warwick, Esquire, lately deceased : in a sermon preached at Charlcote / 2
BV4275 (INTERNET) The life and death of Mr. William Moore, late fellow of Caius Colledge, and keeper of the University-Library as it was delivered in a sermon preached at his funeral-solemnity, April 24, 1659, in St Maries Church in Cambridge /
Empsychon nekron, or, The lifelessness of life on the hether side of immortality with (a timely caveat against procrastination) briefly expressed and applyed in a sermon preached at the funerall of Edward Peyto of Chesterton ... /
A sermon preached at the solemnity of the funeral of Mrs. Dorothy St. John, fourth daughter of the late Sir Oliver St. John, Knight and Baronet, of Woodford in Northamptonshire, in the parish church of St. Martins in the Fields, on the 24th of June, 1677
A sermon at the funeral of James Margetson, D.D. late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland preached at Christ Church, Dublin, Aug. 30, 1678 /
A summons to the grave, or, The necessity of a timely preparation for death demonstrated in a sermon preached at the funeral of that most eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ Mr. John Norcot who departed this life March 24, 1675/6 /
The everlasting covenant, a sweet cordial for a drooping soul, or, The excellent nature of the covenant of grace opened in a sermon preached January the 29th, at the funeral of Mr. Henry Forty, late pastor of a Church of Christ, at Abingdon, in the county of Berks, who departed this life Jan. 25th 1692/3 and was interr'd at Southwark ... : to which is added, An elegy on the death of the said minister /
A love-token for mourners teaching spiritual dumbness and submission under Gods smarting rod : in two funeral sermons /
The last work of a believer his passing prayer recommending his departing spirit to Christ to be received by Him /
A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Jos. Glanvil late rector of Bath, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, who dyed at his rectory of Bath, the fourth of November, 1680, and was buried there the ninth of the same month /
A funeral sermon for that faithful and laborious servant of Christ Mr. Richard Fairclough (who deceased July 4, 1682 in the sixty first year of his age)
A sermon preached at Ashby De-la-zouch in the countie of Leicester at the funerall of the truely noble and vertuous lady Elizabeth Stanley one of the daughters and coheires of the Right Honourable Ferdinand late Earle of Derby, and late wife to Henrie Earle of Huntingdon the fifth earle of that familie. The 9. of February. Anno Dom. 1633. /
Faithful souls shall be with Christ the certainty proved and their Christianity described, and exemplified in the truely Christian life and death of that excellent saint, Henry Ashhurst, Esq ... : briefly and truly published for the conviction of hypocrites and the malignant, the strengthning of believers, and the imitation of all, especially the masters of families in London /
A sermon preached at the funeral of Sir Henry Johnson, Kt who was interr'd in the chappel at Popler, November the 19th. 1683 /
A funeral sermon preached at the obsequies of the right reverend father in God, Jeremy, Lord Bishop of Down who deceased at Lysburne August 13th, 1667 /
The decease of Lazarus Christ's friend A funerall sermon on Iohn. chap. 11. vers. 11. preached at the buriall of Mr. John Parker merchant and citizen of London. /
A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Joseph Aleine
A sermon preach'd at Crosby-Square, Jan. 8, 1692 upon the funeral of that faithful servant of Christ, Mr. John Reynolds, who died in the Lord the preceding 25 Decemb. /
Advice to mourners under the loss of dear relations in a funeral sermon long since preach'd /
Right thoughts in sad hours representing the comforts and the duties of good men under all their afflictions, and particularly, that one, the untimely death of children : in a sermon delivered at Charls-town, New England, under a fresh experience of that calamity.
A discourse occasion'd by the death of the Right Honourable the Lady Cutts
Eliah's vvish a prayer for death : a sermon preached at the funerall of the Right Honourable Viscount Sudbury, Lord Bayning /
A funeral sermon for the Right Honourable, the Lady Frances Digby, who deceased at Coles-Hall in Warwickshire, on the 29th of September, 1684
A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. James Houblon who was buried at St. Mary Wolnoth Church in Lombard-Street June 28, 1682 /
A sermon preached at the funeral of the Honourable Robert Boyle at St. Martins in the Fields, January 7, 1691/2
The patriarchal funeral, or, A sermon preached before the Right Honourable George Lord Berkeley upon the death of his father
A funeral sermon preached upon occasion of the decease of the eminently pious Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, late wife of Mr. Daniel Williams, who departed this life, June the 10th, 1698, Ætat 62 with some account of her exemplary character taken for the most part out of her own papers /
Funerals of a right reuerend father in God Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdfne [sic] Tou en hagiois reuenderendissimi in Christo patris, Patricii Forbesii a Corse, episcopi Abredoniensis, tumulus. A multis omnium ordinum collachrymantibus variegato opere exornatus.
A funeral sermon on the decease of that worthy gentlewoman Mrs. Margaret Baxter, who died the 28th of June, 1681
A sermon preach'd at the funeral of the Reverend Thomas Jekyll, D.D late preacher at the New Chappel, Westminster, October 7, 1698 /
BV4275 .J3 A sermon preached at the funeral of that incomparable lady the Honourable the Lady Mary Armyne
A sermon, or, The survey of man
BV4275 .J32 The phoenix, sepulchre, & cradle in the holy death of the right honourable Isabella, Theresa, Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester /
Sinnelesse sorrow for the dead a comfortable sermon, preached at the funerall of Mr. Iohn Moyle, of Buckwell, in the countie of Kent, Esquire, the sixt of Ianuarie, 1614 /
BV4275 .J33 Enochs walk and change opened in a sermon at Lawrence-Jury in London, Febr. 7th, 1655 at the funeral of the Reverend Mr. Richard Vines, Minister of the Gospel there : with a short account of his life and death, with some elegies &c. on his death /
Enochs walk and change opened in a sermon at Lawrence-Jury in London, Febr. 7th, 1655, at the funeral of the Reverend Mr. Richard Vines, minister of the Gospel there : with a short account of his life and death, with some elegies &c. on his death /
BV4275 .J33 1657 Enoch's walk and change opened in a sermon at Lawrence-Jury in London, Febr. 7th, 1655 at the funeral of the Reverend Mr. Richard Vines, minister of the Gospel there : with a short account of his life and death, with some elegies & c. on his death / 2
BV4275 .J35 Death unstung a sermon preached at the funeral of Thomas Mowsley, an apothecary who died July 6, 1669 : with a brief narrative of his life and death : also the manner of Gods dealings with him before and after his conversion /
Death unstung. A sermon preached at the funeral of Thomas Mowsley, an apothecary, who died July 1669. : With a brief narrative of his life and death: also the manner of Gods dealings with him, before and after his conversion: /
BV4275 .J36 Death unstung a sermon preached at the funeral of Thomas Mowsley, an apothecary who died July 1669 : with a brief narrative of his life and death : also the manner of Gods dealings with him before and after his conversion / 2