Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4303 .S86 A warning to drunkards delivered in several sermons to a congregation in Colchester, upon the occasion of a sad providence towards a young man dying in the act of drunkenness / 2
BV4305 .A78 God's king the people's blessing. A sermon preached on the day of thanksgiving for peace, at St. Ann's Church in Dungannon, in the diocese of Armagh. / 1
BV4305 .A8 God glorified, and the wicked snared in a thanksgiving sermon for the most happy preservation of His Majesty, King William III. from a most horrid and barbarous assassination, in order to an invasion from France / 1
BV4305 .B58 The low value set upon human life in the United States adiscourse delivered on Thanksgiving-day, November 24th, 1853,/ 1
BV4305 .B72 A sermon preached at St. Catharine Cree-Church, on the 26th of November, 1691 being the thanksgiving-day, for the preservation of the King, and the reduction of Ireland / 2
BV4305 .C63 1815 A sermon delivered in Rogersville, April 13, 1815 the day appointed by the President of the United States as a day of national thanks-giving for the restoration of peace / 1
BV4305 .C67 Eucharistia, or, A grateful acknowledgement of God's goodness in preserving our most gracious King William and for the success of his arms this last summer : deliver'd in a sermon to a country-auditory on the 22d of September 1695, being the day appointed by authority for a public thanksgiving / 2
BV4305 .D62 1815 A sermon delivered on the 13th of April, 1815 it being the day of public thanksgiving recommended by the President of the United States of America / 1
BV4305 .D64 A sermon preached before the king on Tuesday, June 20th. 1665 being the day of solemn thanksgiving for the late victory at sea / 2
BV4305 .H36 The great duty of thankfulness a sermon preach'd at St. Pauls Covent-Graden, December 2d, 1697, being the day of thanksgiving for the peace / 1
BV4305 .H46 A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament at Margarets Church in Westminster, upon Thursday 18 July 1644, it being the day of publick thanksgiving for the great mercy of God in the happy successe of the forces of both kingdoms neer York, against the enemies of king and Parliament / 2
BV4305 .H54 1846 The tendency of the Christian religion to promote genuine liberty a sermon, preached at the annual thanksgiving, December 4, 1845 / 1
BV4305 .L38 God save the King, or, The loyal and joyfull acclamation of subjects to their King as it was opened in a sermon, preached in one of the congregations of the city of Edinburgh.
God save the King, or, The loyal and joyfull acclamation of subjects to their King as it was opened in a sermon, preached in one of the congregations of the city of Edinburgh ..
BV4305.M35 1682 By Thomas Danforth Esq; president of the province of Mayne, with the consent of the Council Assembled in York; Octob. 1682. 1
BV4305.M37 1676 At a council, held at Charleston, June the 20th, 1676. The Holy God having by a long and continued series of his afflictive dispensations in & by the present warr with the heathen natives of this land .. 1
BV4305 .N48 Mans wrath and Gods praise, or, A thanks-giving sermon preached at Taunton, in the county of Somerset, the 11th of May, (a day to be had in everlasting remembrance) for the deliverance of that poore towne from the strait siege / 2
BV4305 .N52 The cabinet of Hell unlocked, or, The late grand conspiracy emblazon'd with practical reflections thereon : in a sermon / 2
BV4305 .P44 A sermon preached at Westminster-Abbey on the 26th of July, 1685 being the thanksgiving-day for His Majesties victory over the rebels / 2
BV4305.R63 1660 Josephus redivivus: or, Innocencie violated and vindicated. In a sermon preached on the publike day of Thanksgiving, in Wandsworth in Surey by the vicar there. On Thursday May the 24th, 1660. 1
BV4305 .S47 A Sermon preach'd in a country church February 14, 1688 upon that eminent occasion of thanksgiving for the great deliverance of this kingdom from popery and arbitrary power 2