Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV4495 .P513 1954 | Early Fathers from the Philokalia : together with some writings of St. Abba Dorotheus, St. Isaac of Syria, and St. Gregory Palamas / | 1 |
BV4500 |
Institutum Christiani hominis carmine pro pueris ab Erasmo Roterodamo compositum Six sermons preached by the Right Reverend Father in God, Seth Lord Bishop of Sarum The character of a Christian, or, A sermon of mutuall love preached upon a lecture-day at York The poor doubting Christian drawn to Christ wherein the main lets and hinderances, which keep men from coming to Christ, are discovered : with special helps to recover Gods favour / The doctrine and practice of renovation wherein is discovered what the new nature, and new creature is; its parts, causes, the manner and means, also how it may be attained : necessary for every Christian to know and practice / Two very usefull and compendious theological treatises the first shewing the nature of wit, wisdom, and folly : the second describing the nature, use, and abuse of the tongue and speech, whereby principally wisdom and folly are expressed : wherein also are divers texts of Scripture touching the respective heads explained / A new years gift, or, A true portraiture of a natural man and of a regenrate person, together with characters of, and counsels for a resolv'd christian / The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : necessary for all families : with private devotions for several occasions. Time and the end of time, or, Two discourses, the first about redemption of time, the second about consideration of our latter end A dying fathers last legacy to an onely child, or, Mr. Hugh Peter's advice to his daughter written by his own hand, during his late imprisonment in the Tower of London, and given her a little before his death. The Obedience of a Christen ma[n] and how Christen rulers ought to gouerne, where in also (yf thow marke diligently) thou shalt fynde eyes to perceaue the crafty conueyaunce of all iugglers. The countryman vvith his houshold. Being a familiar conference, concerning faith towards God, and good workes before men; fitted for the capacitie of the meanest. / The Gouernans of vertue, teachyng a Christe[n] man, howe he oughte dayely to lede his life, and fruitfully to spend his tyme vnto the glory of God. Wherin are contayned also many godly prayers, & other necessary instruccio[n]s, for the auoyding of all wicked temptacions. : With a table in thende. A christal glasse for Christian vvomen. Containing, a most excellent discourse, of the godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent, in Stafford-shire the 14. of December. : With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith, which she made a little before her departure, as also a wonderfull combat betwixt Sathan and her soule: worthy to be printed in letters of gold, and to be engrauen in the table of euery Christian heart. / A garden of spirituall flowers. Yeelding a sweet smelling fauour in the nostrils of each true hearted Christian. The Christians iewell, fit to adorne the heart, and decke the house of euery [true] protestant Taken out of St. Mary Oueris Church in the lecturship of the late deceased Doctor Su[tton]. 1624. [An epistle or exhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule, that is deuoutly affected towards him.] The Christian life. wherein is shew'd : I. The worth and excellency of the soul, II. The divinity and incarnation of our Saviour, III. The authority of the Holy Scripture, IV. A dissuasive from apostacy / A little manual of the poor mans daily devotion collected out of several pious and approved authors / The poor man's family book 1. teaching him how to become a true Christian : 2. how to live as a Christian, towards God, him self and others, in all his relations, especially in his family : 3. how to die as a Christian in hope and comfort, and so to be glorified with Christ for ever : in plain familiar conferences between a teacher and a learner : with a form of exhortation to the sick, two catechisms, a profession of Christianity, forms of prayer for various uses, and some psalms and hymns for the Lords Day / The Christian diary The tender conscience satisfied in taking the covenant The poor doubting Christian drawn unto Christ wherein the main lets and hinderances, which keep men from comming to Christ, are discovered, with special helps to recover Gods favour / Bonifacius an essay upon the good / [The Christian diurnal ...] [reviewed, and much augmented] |
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BV4500 .A23 | A Christian and heavenly treatise containing physicke for the soule, [brace] 1. The diseases of the soule are largely described, 2. The faculties affected are shortly touched, 3. The causes are distinctly set downe, 4. The signes and symptomes are particularly specified, 5. The prognosticks are plainely pointed out, 6. The remedies are methodically prescribed : very necessary for all those which are troubled in conscience / | 1 |
BV4500 .A4 |
The practice of Christian graces, or, The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but espcially the meanest reader : divided into XVII Chapters, one whereof being read every Lords day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : with private devotions for several occasions. The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year with private devotions for several occasions. |
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BV4500 .A4 1661 | The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lords day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : with Private devotions for several occasions. | 2 |
BV4500 .A4 1664 |
The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : necessary for all families, with private devotions for several occasions. The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : necessary for all families : with private devotions for several occasions. |
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BV4500 .A4 1667 | The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader: divided into XVII chapters; one whereof being read every Lord's Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year. Necessary for all families. With private devotions for several occasions. | 1 |
BV4500 .A4 1673 | The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lords day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : with Private devotions for several occasions. | 4 |
BV4500 .A4 1686 | The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader. Divided into XVII. chapters, one whereof being read every Lords Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year. Necessary for all families. With Private devotions for several occasions. | 1 |
BV4500 .A4 1687 | The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader. Divided into XVII. chapters; one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year. Necessary for all families. With private devotions for several occasions. | 1 |
BV4500 .A4 1688 | The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader. Divided into XVII chapters; one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year. Necessary for all families. With private devotions for several occasions. | 1 |
BV4500 .A4 1694 | The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : with private devotions for several occasions. | 2 |
BV4500 .A42 |
Prima, media, & ultima the first, middle, and last things, in three treatises : wherein is set forth, I. The doctrine of regeneration or the new birth, II. The practice of sanctification, in the meanes, duties, ordinances, both secret, private and publike, for continuance and increase of a godly life, III. Certain meditations of [brace] mans misery in his [brace] life, death, judgement, & execution, gods mercy in our [brace] redemption & salvation / Prima, media, & ultima the first, middle, & last things, in three treatises : wherein is set forth, I. The doctrine of regeneration, or the new birth, II. The practice of sanctification, in the means, duties, ordinances, both private and publike, for continuance and encrease of a godly life, III. Certain meditations of mans misery, in his life, death, judgement, and execution, as also of Gods mercy, in our redemption and salvation. The doctrine & directions, but more especially, the practice and behavior of a man in the act of the nevv birth a treatise by way of appendix to the former / |
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BV4500 .A42 1654 | Prima, media, & ultima the first, middle, & last things, in three treatises : wherein is set forth, I. The doctrine of regeneration, or the new birth, II. The practice of sanctification, in the meanes, duties, ordinances, both secret, private and publike, for continuance and increase of a godly life, III. Certain meditations of mans misery, in his life, death, judgement, & execution, of Gods mercy, in our redemption & salvation / | 2 |
BV4500 .A42 1674 | Redeeming the time a sermon preached at Preston in Lancashire, January 4th, 1657 at the funeral of the honourable lady, the Lady Margaret Houghton / | 2 |
BV4500 .A42 1692 | Unum necessarium, or, The great duty of a Christian in two tracts : the one, Of adhering to God, written in Latin, by Albertus Magnus, the other, Of the love of God, written in high- Dutch, by John Staupitz / | 1 |
BV4500 .A425 1680 | Officium hominis : cúm stylo, tum methodo luculentissimâ expositum : opus cujusvis, at praecipuè indoctissimi lectoris captui accommodatum : in XVII capita divisum : quorum uno, quovis die Dominico, perlecto, omnia ter quovis anno perlegantur : cum orationibus aliquot pro variis occasionibus / | 1 |
BV4500 .A43 1682 | The works of the author of The whole duty of man. In two volumes. Vol. I. Containing, I. The Whole Duty of Man. II. The Gentlemans Calling. III. The Ladies Calling. | 1 |
BV4500.A43 W5 1681 | The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII. chapters, one whereof being read every Lords day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year : necessary for all families : with private devotions for several occasions. | 1 |
BV4500 .A44 |
The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lords Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year with private devotions for several occasions. The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read over thrice in the year with private devotions for several occasions. Divers practical cases of conscience satisfactorily resolved ... to which are added some counsels and cordials / The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lords Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year: necessary for all families : with private devotions for several occasions. The whole duty of man laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader : divided into XVII chapters, one whereof being read every Lord's Day the whole may be read over thrice in the year : necessary for all families : with Private devotions for several occasions. |
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