Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4500 .B76 1679 The mute Christian under the smarting rod; with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth when he is under the greatest afflictions ... 1
BV4500 .B76 1693 Apples of gold for young men and women, and a crown of glory for old men and women, or, The happiness of being good betimes and the honour of being an old disciple clearly and fully discovered and closely and faithfully applyed : also the young mans objections answered and the old mans doubts resolved / 2
BV4500 .B76 1698 The mute Christian under the smarting rod, with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents, or, A Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth when he is under the greatest afflictions ... 1
BV4500 .B8 The poor man's help, and young man's guide containing I. Doctrinal instructions for the right informing of his judgment. II. Practical directions for the general course of his life. III. Particular advices for the well-managing of every day : with reference to his [brace] 1. Natural actions, 2. Civil imployments, 3. Necessary recreations, 4. Religious duties : particularly I. Prayer [brace] publick in the congregation, private in the family, secret in the closet. II. Reading the Holy Scriptures. III. Hearing of the Word preached. IV. Receiving of the Lord's Supper. : Unto which is added an earnest exhortation unto all Christians to the love and practice of universal holiness. / 1
BV4500 .B86 Christian behaviour, or, The fruits of true Christianity shewing the ground from whence they flow in their godlike order in the duty of relations, as husbands, wives, parents, children, masters, servants &c. : with a word of direction to all backsliders /
A holy life, the beauty of Christianity, or, An exhortation to Christians to be holy
BV4500 .B86 1585 A book of Christian exercise, appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to become Christians indeede. / 1
BV4500 .B86 1684 Llyfr y resolusion yr hwnsydd yn dysgv ini bawb : wneuther ein goreu a rhoi cwbl o'n Gristianogion hynny ydyw'ar ymadael a'n drwy fuchedd, a throi at ddaioni a duwioleb / 2
BV4500 .B87 Two treatises of Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs the first of earthly-mindedness ... the second treatise of conversing in heaven, and walking with God.
The excellency of a gracious spirit delivered in a treatise vpon the 14. of Numbers, Vers. 24. : together with Moses his self-deniall /
Four usefull discourses
Four usefull discourses viz. ... /
Two treatises of Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs the first of earthly-mindedness ... the second treatise of conversing in heaven, and walking with God ..
BV4500 .B87 1694 The poor man's help and young mans guide containing I. Doctrinal instructions for the right informing of his judgment, II. Practical directions for the general course of his life, III. Particular advices for the well-managing of every day : with reference to his [brace] 1. Natural actions, 2. Civil imployments, 3. Necessary recreations, 4. Religious duties : particularly I. Prayer [brace] publick in the congregation, private in the family, secret in the closet, II. Reading the Holy Scriptures, III. Hearing of the Word preached, IV. Receiving of the Lord's Supper : unto which is added an earnest exhortation unto all Christians to the love and practice of universal holiness /
The poor man's help and young mans guide containing I. Doctrinal instructions for the right informing of his judgment, II. Practical directions for the general course of his life, III. Particular advices for the well-managing of every day : with reference to his [brace] 1. Natural actions, 2. Civil imployments, 3. Necessary recreations, 4. Religious duties : particularly I. Prayer [brace] publick in the congregation, private in the family, secret in the closet, II. Reading the Holy Scriptures, III. Hearing of the Word preached, IV. Receiving of the Lord's Supper : unto which is added an earnest exhortation unto all Christians to the love and practice of universal holiness /
BV4500 .B874 Characters of a godly man both as more and less grown in grace / 2
BV4500 .B93 163 The marrow of the oracles of God, or, Divers treatises containing directions about sixe of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life. 1
BV4500 .B93 1622 The marrow of the oracles of God, or, Divers treatises, containing directiõs about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life 1
BV4500 .B93 1640 The marrouu of the oracles of God, or, Divers treatises, containing directions about six of the waightiest things can concerne a Christian in this life 1
BV4500 .B93 1660 The marrow of the oracles of God, or, Divers treatises containing directions about six of the weightiest things can concern a Christian in this life 2
BV4500 .C34 1667 The godly mans ark, or, City of refuge, in the day of his distresse. Discovered in divers sermons: the first of which was preached at the funeral of Mistresse Elizabeth Moore. The other four were afterwards preached, and are all of them now made publick, for the supportation and consolation of the saints of God, in the hour of tribulation. Hereunto are annexed Mris. [sic] Moores evidences for heaven, composed and collected by her in the time of her health, for her comfort in the time of sickness. / 1
BV4500 .C34 1693 The godly man's ark or city of refuge in the day of his distress discovered in divers sermons, the first of which was preached at the funeral of Mistress Elizabeth Moore ... / 2
BV4500 .C37 1571 Dialogorvm sacrorvm libri IIII. 1
BV4500 .C427 The saints nosegay, or, A posie of 741 spirituall flowers both fragrant and fruitfull, pleasant and profitable / 2
BV4500 .C47 1634 Certaine godly rvles, concerning Christian practice, fit to bee obserued dayly, in the liues of all those that would be saued. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, for the good of all those, which haue a purpose within themselues to leade a godly life. 1
BV4500 .C47 1648 Certain select cases resolved. Specially, tending to the right ordering of the heart, that we may comfortably walke with God in our general and particular callings. Sent over from New-England in a letter to a precious friend here / 1