Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV4500 .F63 |
The one necessary thing to be sought briefly touched in a four-fold dialogue upon some of the great and most concerning truths of practical religion. The one necessary thing to be sought briefly touched in a four-fold dialogue, upon some of the great and most concerning truths of practical religion. |
4 |
BV4500 .F67 | The Christian directed in his race to heaven, or, A short account of that knowledge and practice that leads thither | 2 |
BV4500 .F68 | Foure and twenty certaine godly rules | 1 |
BV4500 .F69 1689 | The door of heaven opened and shut. Opened to the ready and prepared. Shut against the unready and unprepared. Or, A discourse concerning the absolute necessity of timely preparation for a happy eternity. | 1 |
BV4500 .F73 1587 | Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God | 1 |
BV4500 .F74 | The contentes of thys boke. The fyrst is a letter which was wryten vnto the faythful followers of Christes gospell. Also another treatese called the Myrrour or glasse to knowe thy selfe. Here vnto is added a propre instruction teaching a man to dye gladly and not to feare death. | 1 |
BV4500 .F84 | Some rules how to use the world so as not to abuse either that, or our selves | 2 |
BV4500 .F85 1688 | Some rules how to use the world, so as not to abuse either that, or our selves | 1 |
BV4500 .G37 |
A garden of spirituall flowers. A Garden of spirituall flowers |
2 |
BV4500 .G37 1616 | A Garden of spirituall flowers. | 1 |
BV4500 .G37 1617 | A Garden of spirituall flowers. yeelding a sweet smelling sauour in the nosthrils [sic] of each true-hearted Christian. | 1 |
BV4500 .G37 1622 | A Garden of spirituall flowers. yeelding a sweet smelling sauour in the nostrils of each true hearted Christian. | 1 |
BV4500 .G37 1625 | A Garden of spirituall flowers. yeelding a sweet smelling sauour in the nostrils of each true hearted Christian. | 1 |
BV4500 .G37 1687 | A Garden of spiritual flowers in two parts / | 2 |
BV4500 .G6 | A godly new ballad, intituled, a dozen of points. A dozen of point you may here read, whereon each Christians soul may feed. | 1 |
BV4500 .G6 1659 | A child of light walking in darkness, or, A treatise shewing the causes, by which, the cases, wherein, the ends, for which God leaves His children to distress of conscience. Together with directions how to walk, so as to be relieved from such a condition. With other observations on Esay 50.10, & 11 verses. / | 1 |
BV4500 .G6 1672 | Christian directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long. / | 1 |
BV4500 .G66 |
Winter-evening conference between neighbours. Winter-evening conference between neighbours in two parts. The daily exercises of a Christian life, or, The interiour spirit with which we ought to animate our actions throughout the whole day with an easy instruction for mentall prayer / Certaine select cases resolved specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chiefe and usuall temptations : 1. The case of desertion, or walking in darknesse ... : heretofore all published in three treatises, [brace] 1. A child of light walking in darknesse ... / Certaine select cases resolved specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chief and usuall temptations : 1. The case of desertion, or walking in darknesse [brace] the [brace] cause, remedies, 2. How to discerne answers to our prayers, 3. The case resolved, whether after sound repentance a child of God may fall into the same sinne, 4. How it is to be understood, that every beleever bringeth forth all his fruit in Christ, 5. How to discerne our growth in grace : heretofore all published in three treatises [brace] 1. A child of light walking in darknesse, 2. Return of prayers, 3. Tryall of growth : and now re-printed, and newly put together, with other divine tractates / Certaine select cases resolved specially tending to the comfort of beleevers, in their chief and usuall temptations : 1. The case of desertion, or walking in darknesse [brace] the [brace] cause, remedies, 2. How to discerne answers to our prayers, 3. The case resolved, whether after sound repentance a child of God may fall into the same sinne, 4. How it is to be understood, that every beleever bringeth forth all his fruit in Christ, 5. How to discerne our growth in grace : heretofore all published in three treatises [brace] 1. A child of light walking in darknesse, 2. Return of prayers, 3. Tryall of growth : and now re-printed, and newly put together, with other divine tractates / |
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BV4500 .G66 1636 | A childe of light walking in darknes, or, A treatise shewing [brace] the causes by which, the cases wherein, the ends for which [brace] God leaves his children to distresse of conscience together with directions how to walke so as to come forth of such a condition, with other observations upon Esay 50. 10 and 11 verses / | 1 |
BV4500 .G66 1638 | Aggrauation of [brace] sinne: and sinning against [brace] knowledge. Mercie. | 1 |