Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4500 .M67 The preachers tripartite in three books. The first to raise devotion in divine meditations upon Psalm XXV : the second to administer comfort by conference with the soul, in particular cases of conscience : the third to establish truth and peace, in several sermons against the present heresies and schisms /
The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. 1. who and what art thou? 2. where hast thou been? 3. where art thou now going? 4. whither art thou going? : together with three select prayers for private families /
The preachers tripartite in three books. The first to raise devotion in divine meditations upon Psalm XXV : the second to administer comfort by conference with the soul, in particular cases of conscience : the third to establish truth and peace, in several sermons agianst the present heresies and schisms /
A most godly and vvorthy treatis of holy signes sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God, euen since the beginning of the world. Very necessary for Christian understanding. ; Seene and allowed by authority.
The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. 1. who and what art thou? 2. where hast thous been? 3. where art thou now going? 4. whither art thou going? : together with three select prayers for private families /
BV4500 .M688 1662 A brief rule of life directing how to manage it according to the principles both of piety & prudence : to which is added, a form of prayer for a family, both for morning and evening : which may likewise be used in the closet by those that want such helps. 1
BV4500 .N37 The crown and glory of a Christian consisting in a sound conversion and well ordered conversation. 2
BV4500 .N37 1679 A Christians walk and work on earth, until he attain to heaven which may serve as a practical guide, and a plain direction in his pilgrimage thither, through his personal and relative duties : marvelously useful to all persons, and families of all ranks and qualities, both in city & country / 1
BV4500 .N37 1684 The crown and glory of a Christian consisting in a sound conversion and well ordered conversation. 1
BV4500 .N47 A divine legacy bequeathed unto all mankind of all ranks, ages, and sexes directing how we may live holily in the fear of God and how we may die happily in the favour of God, both which duties are of universal concern ... / 2
BV4500 .N49 1607 Two faces vnder a hood, or, The cloake of hypocrisie, worne thred bare by many, and perceiued by few. 1
BV4500 .N52 A practical essay of the contempt of the world 2
BV4500 .N67 Practical discourses upon several divine subjects Vol III /
Practical discourses upon several divine subjects ...
Practical discourses upon several divine subjects.
Practical discourses upon several divine subjects
Light in the way to Paradise with other occasionals /
BV4500 .N67 1693 Practical discourses upon several divine subjects. 2
BV4500 .N67 l697 Practical discourses upon several divine subjects. 2
BV4500 .O34 A seasonable discourse wherein sincerity & delight in the service of God is earnestly pressed upon professors of religion 2
BV4500 .O42 The stone rolled away, and life more abundant an apology urging self-denial, new-obedience, faith, and thankfulnesse / 1
BV4500 .O72 The Ordenarye for all faythfull Chrystiãs to leade a vertuous and Godly lyfe here in this vale of miserie / 1
BV4500 .O93 Phronēma tou pneumatou, or, The grace and duty of being spiritually-minded declared and practically improved / 2
BV4500 .P35 1651 Memorials of godliness & Christianity. in two parts. Part I. containing mediations..[sic] 1. Of making religions ones businesse. 2. An appendix applyed to the calling of a minister. Part II containing 1. The character of a Christian in paradoxes and seeming contradictions. 2. A proof or character of visible godliness. 3. Some general considerations to excite to watchfulness, and to shake off spirituall drowsinesse. 4. Remedies against carefulnesse. 5. The soul of fasting. / 1
BV4500 .P35 1670 Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life / 2
BV4500 .P35 1673 Memorials of godliness and Christianity. In three parts. Part I. Containing meditations 1. Of making religions ones business. 2. An appendix applied to the calling of a minister. With a brief account of the authors life. / 1
BV4500 .P36 The vanity of the lives and passions of men 1
BV4500 .P37 A letter of the Bishop of Ely to his clergy
The epitome of man's duty being a discourse upon Mic. 6.8, where hypocritical people are briefly directed how to please God.