Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BV4500 .P37 1585 | A book of Christian exercise, appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolue our selues to become Christians indeede by R.P. ; perused and accompanied now with a treatise tending to pacification by Edm. Bunny. | 1 |
BV4500 .P37 1596 | A boore [sic] of Christian exercise appertaining to resolution, that is, shewing how that we should resolve our selves to become Christians in deed by R.P. ; perused by Edm. Bunny. | 1 |
BV4500 .P37 1601 | How to liue, and that well in all estates and times, specially when helps and comforts faile. | 1 |
BV4500 .P37 1607 | The Christian directory guiding men to eternall saluation : deuided into three bookes, the first vvherof teacheth hovv to make a good resolution, the second, hovv to begin vvell, the third, hovv to perseuere and end happily : in this volume is onely contayned the first booke consisting of tvvo partes, vvherof the former layeth dovvne the motiues to resolution, and the other remoueth the impediments / | 1 |
BV4500 .P38 1691 | Advice to a friend | 2 |
BV4500 .P42 |
A sermon preached before the king, upon the seventh of March, 1669 A sermon preached before the king, upon the nineteenth of March, 1670/1 |
4 |
BV4500 .P43 | Light in darkness, or, A consideration of a comfortable and instructive resignation of the Church of God by an eminent and faithful watchman upon his departure : occasioned by the sad loss of ... Thomas Moor, Junior / | 2 |
BV4500 .P46 |
Where is the wise? Where is the Scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdome of this world? Cor. I, 20. The way to peace and happiness whereunto are annexed some useful sayings in verse and prose. |
3 |
BV4500 .P46 1684 | The way to peace and happiness proposed in some instructions given formerly by a parent to his children : which being of concern to all, (thô of riper years) are again reprinted, and recommended to the perusal of all sorts of people, without respect of persons or parties, age or sex. | 1 |
BV4500 .P46 1694 | Some fruits of solitude, in reflections and maxims relating to the conduct of human life. | 1 |
BV4500 .P46 2006 | Anne Phoenix / | 1 |
BV4500 .P46 2016 | Anne Phoenix / | 1 |
BV4500 .P47 | How to live, and that well In all estates and times: specially when helpes and comforts faile. | 1 |
BV4500 .P47 1625 | [How to live, and that well] | 1 |
BV4500.P47 1665 | Perfect trust Psal. 37.5 cast both thy self and thine affairs on God with perfect trust : and thous salt see with patience the effect both sure and just. The question put by a Christian friend to a minister, was, How trust in God may be said to be perfect : The ministers answer, sent by letter, was to this effect. | 1 |
BV4500 .P57 1670 | The plain Christian's guide: or A compendium of divinity, &c | 1 |
BV4500 .P67 1675 | A posie of spiritual flowers, presented to a Christian lady being several pious instructions for her conduct in the w[ay] of virtue : and very useful for all such, who live amidst the dangerous employments of the world / | 1 |
BV4500 .P72 1675 | A prayer to God, which the Christian soul may make every day, thereby to declare the sentiments which she desires to have at the point of death wherein are discover'd the acts of all the highest virtues, and especially the divine virtue of contrition, and a perfect love of God. | 1 |
BV4500 .P74 |
Primitive Christian discipline not to be slightled, or, Man, look home and know thyself Primitive Christian discipline not to be slighted, or, Man, look home and know thyself |
2 |
BV4500 .P75 1656 | A weapon of defence against sudden death. or, A brief description of the desperat times in which we live. Being a brief and true relation of the evils that proceeds and follows after vain-glorious opinions and cursed desperation by the example of several people both in the city of London, and in other parts of our nation. Shewing the manner of their ungodly living, and how they came by their untimly deaths this present year, 1656 for want of serving of God and taking good heed. Here is also a brief and true relation of the terrible storms of lightning and thunder, hail and rain which happened at Norwich, July 20. 1656 / | 1 |