Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4500 .R44 1609 A garden of spirituall flowers. 1
BV4500 .R44 1632 A garden of spirituall flowers: 1
BV4500 .R49 1656 Precepts for Christian practice, or, The rule of the new creature new model'd containing duties to be daily observed by every beleever, with a preface introductory to the work of walking by rule : hereunto is added a direction for the government of the thoughts and of the affections / 2
BV4500 .R49 1658 Precepts for Christian practice, or, The rule of the new-creature containing duties to be daily observed by every beleever, with a preface introductory to the work of walking by rule : hereunto is added a direction for the government of the thoughts and of the affections /
Precepts for Christian practice: or, The rule of the new creature new model'd. Containing duties to be daily observed by every beleever. With a preface introductory to the work of walking by rule. Hereunto is added a direction for the government of the thoughts, and of the affections. /
BV4500 .R49 1662 Precepts for the Christian practice, or, The rule of the new-creature containing duties to bee daily observed by every beleever, with a preface introductory to the work of walking by rule : hereunto is added adirection for the government of the thoughts, and of the affections / 2
BV4500 .R52 Divine consolations, or, The teachings of God in three parts ... with an answer to the objections made against it, and Doctor Crips [sic] booke justified against Steven Geree / 1
BV4500 .R58 A notable discourse of the happinesse of this our age, and of the ingratitude of men to God for his benefites: 1
BV4500 .R59 Rules for the governing of the tongue together with directions in six particular cases : added as a supplement to the rules for governing the thoughts, the affections in The precepts for Christian practice, or, The rule of the new creature, new molded / 2
BV4500 .R62 Mans chief guide to salvation wherein is laid down many good instructions and motives to stir up every poor soul, that he may be able in these sinfull days to withstand Satans assaults /
The practice of Christian perfection
Thc practice of Christian perfection
Spirituall encrease: or, conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian.
BV4500 .R63 1591 The vineyarde of vertue collected, composed, and digested into a tripartite order, conteining XXXII. most excellent plants of fruitful vertue: in most beautifull and blessed maner enuironing the true elect church of God vpon earth. Euery plant conteining this tripartitie order: namely definition testimonie & examples of vertue. / 1
BV4500 .R63 1604 Seaven treatises containing such direction as is gathered out of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to true happines, both in this life, and in the life to come, and may be called the practise of Christianitie : profitable for all such as heartily desire the same, in the which, more particularly true Christians may learne how to leade a godly and comfortable life euery day, notwithstanding their tribulations / 1
BV4500 .R63 1616 Seaven treatises containing such direction as is gathered out of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to true happinesse both in this life and in the life to come: and may be called the practise of Christianitie. Profitable for all such as heartily desire the same ... / 1
BV4500 .R63 1623 The practice of Christianitie, or, An epitomie of seuen treatises 1
BV4500 .R63 1627 Seaven treatises containing such direction as is gathered out of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to true happinesse both in this life and in the life to come, and may be called the practise of Christianitie : profitable for all such as heartily desire the same ... / 1
BV4500 .R63 1629 Nevv essayes or, Observations divine and morall. Colled out of the holy scriptures, ancient and moderne writers, both diuine and humane. As also out of the great volumne of mens manners. Tending to the furtherance of knowledge and vertue. / 1
BV4500 .R63 1635 The practice of Christianitie, or, An epitomie of seven treatises 1
BV4500 .R64 1615 A garden of spirituall flowers. Yeelding a sweete smelling fauour in the nosthrils of each true-hearted Christian. 1
BV4500 .R68 The heavenly academie: or The highest school, vvhere alone is that highest teaching, the teaching of the heart. / 1
BV4500 .R68 1639 A most excellent treatise containing the way to seek heavens glory, to flie earths vanity, to feare hells horror with Godly prayers and the bell-mans summons. 1
BV4500 .S24 1639 The practice of policie in a Christian life taught from the Scriptures / 1