Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4500 .S43 The saints priviledge, or, A Christians constant advocate containing a short, but most sweet direction for every true Christian to walke comfortably through this valley of teares /
Subjection to Christ in all his ordinances and appointments the best means to preserve our liberty : together with a treatise of ineffectual hearing the word ... : with some remarkable passages of His life /
BV4500 .S43 1682 The practical Christian, or, The devout penitent a book of devotion containing the whole duty of a Christian in all occasions and necessities, fitted to the main uses of a holy life : in four parts ... / 2
BV4500 .S44 The whole duty of a Christian containing all things necessary, both as to what he is to know, and do, for the obtaining a happy eternity ; to which is added, More particular directions, how to prepare for a comfortable death .. 1
BV4500 .S49 The sentences of Sextus / 1
BV4500 .S4913 2012eb The sentences of Sextus / 1
BV4500 .S4915 2015eb Die Sextussprüche und ihre Verwandten / 1
BV4500 .S52 The true Christians test, or, A discovery of the love and lovers of the world in two parts ... /
Immanuel, or, A discovery of true religion as it imports a living principle in the minds of men, grounded upon Christ's discourse with the Samaritaness : being the latter clause of The voice crying in a wilderness, or, A continuation of the angelical life /
BV4500 .S52 1658 The soules conflict with itselfe and victory over itselfe by faith a treatise of the inward disquietments of distressed spirits, with comfortable remedies to establish them / 2
BV4500.S52 G5 1638 A glance of Heaven, or, A pretious taste of a glorious feast wherein thou mayst taste and see those things which God hath prepared for them that love him / By R. Sibs .. 1
BV4500.S52 (INTERNET) A glance of Heaven, or, A pretious taste of a glorious feast wherein thou mayst taste and see those things which God hath prepared for them that love him / 1
BV4500 .S53 Subjection to Christ in all his ordinances and appointments the best means to preserve our liberty : together with a treatise of ineffectual hearing the Word, how we may know whether we have heard the same effectually, and by what means it may become effectual unto us : with some remarkable passages of his life /
Moral vertues baptized Christian, or, The necessity of morality among Christians
BV4500 .S53 1637 The spirituall-mans aime guiding a Christian in his affections and actions, through the sundry passages of this life, so that Gods glory, and his owne salvation may be the maine end of all / 1
BV4500 .S54 The pious Christians devotio[n] and most excellent family-companion, or, A friendly guid[e] to eternal life and glory in th[e] perfect enjoyment of God and the blessed fellowship of saints and an[gels]
The doctrine of Christ's glorious kingdom, or, The New Jerusalem state now shortly approaching, is exceeding comfortable and very advantageous to all faithfull Christians, is manifest by the key and this whole work.
The doctrine of Christ's glorious kingdom, or, The New Jerusalem state now shortly approaching, is exceeding comfortable and very advantageous to all faithfull Christians, is manifest by the key and this whole work ..
The pious Christians devotio[n] and most excellent family-companion, or, A friendly guid[e] to eternal life and glory in th[e] perfect enjoyment of God and the blessed fellowship of saints and an[gels] ..
BV4500 .S54 1695 Certain select cases resolved. Specially, tending to the right ordering of the heart, that we may comfortably walk with God in our general and particular callings. / 1
BV4500 .S55 The godly mans enquiry shewing that it is every mans indispensable duty and interest to secure heaven for himself ... / 2
BV4500 .S64 A spiritual journey of a young man towards the land of peace, to live therein essentially in God who met in his journey with three sorts of disputes : with some proverbs or sentences, which the old-age spake to the young man : also a spiritual dialogue, whereunto is annexed a round or chorus-dance ... / 1
BV4500 .S68 1655 The wels [sic] of salvation opened: or, A treatise discovering the nature, preciousnesse, usefulness of gospel-promises, and rules for the right application of them. / 1
BV4500 .S68 1988 Thomas Starkey's An exhortation to the people instructing them to unity and obedience : a critical edition / 1
BV4500 .S69 Directions for seeker & expectants, or, A guide for weak Christians in these distracted times wherein the language of Sions-builders is confounded : as it was delivered in a sermon at Wickham-Market ... published at the earnest entreatie of many, for a more publique good / 2
BV4500 .S7 The truth which God hath shewn unto his servant, Richard Stafford wherein it is fully and particularly manifested (to the several orders and degrees of men, and under the principal heads of good and evil) that the greatest happiness of this life consisteth in the fear of God and keeping his commandments, in opposition to the pleasures of sin, or the seeming conveniency of disobedience and within each subject of discourse there is infolded a sutable word of exhortation. : That all mankind (however they are named or distinguished into this or that condition of life or way of worship) may see the things which belong to their present peace, and eternal salvation. 1